A secret

Before Ryu Yoonmi was able to fall into that much needed sleep, the door to her room was slammed open, causing fright to pass through her, and she instantly jolted out of her bed, sitting on it. 

Her covers were on her leg as she turned her head towards the direction of the door, ready to curse out at the one who dared to disturb her sleep.

However, the moment she turned on the lamp to do that, a figure ran towards her, and the speed made her eyes widen. She raised the pillow beside her to immediately to block the attack.

That's why, before the woman in front of her was able to touch her, she placed a pillow in between then, and the woman had her hands stretched out as if she wanted to hug Yoonmi.

Her face pushed against the pillow as she persisted, but having her defensive mode on against the stranger, Yoonmi was determined to not let her hug her. She had enough hugs for the day from her parents!