Felt guilty

As Ryu Yoonmi had expected, Jihae stepped out with a slice of strawberry cake on top of a plate, and seeing how she was moving over to Hyungsik's table, Yoonmi poked the girl opposite to her.

"Instead of talking nonsense, listen to my words carefully. You see the girl over there— the waitress? Just bump into her so that she falls into the man from earlier, alright? Make it seem as if it was accidental," Yoonmi ordered.

The antagonistic characters had a talent when it came to these things, and therefore, Yoonmi trusted her with this.

"Did that girl offend you? You want me to take revenge?" Minah asked— curiosity playing in her eyes.

"Don't ask too many questions! I will explain all of this to you later on. Now, hurry up!" Yoonmi voiced out, trying to push the girl off her seat.

"Fine, fine. I am going," Minah stated.