Widely advertised

"That meal was truly disappointing," she said, "I thought that it would be good since it is expensive and widely advertised."

A sigh left her mouth once Ryu Yoonmi stepped out of the restaurant. While Yoonmi had the dissatisfaction towards the restaurant, the blogger's resentment was present towards the girl.

After spending all that money of his, she dared to say that it was disappointing! In the end, he ended up eating all of the leftovers!

The anger he felt right now could not be described in words!

Not only did she waste his money, he ended up messing his diet because of how he couldn't let such expensive food go to waste.

"You are happy, right? Because of me, you got the experience of an expensive restaurant. This was a lesson for you in the future! Next time, when you go to the restaurants, you shouldn't look at how expensive the menu is," she vocalised.