Dealing with you!

"I have no clue on what you are planning, but can you stop staring my mom like that? It's quite irritating," Eunwoo said.

His voice interrupted her gaze on Lee Soohyun— Eunwoo's mother. Even after looking at her so much, she wasn't able to figure out her secret behind appearing so young.

Could it plastic surgery? For some reason, it appeared too natural to seem like plastic surgery. She did not know when she gained such perceptive eyes, but this definitely did seem like a surgery.

From the time they had started to have dinner, Yoonmi was unable to move her eyes away from the woman. She really wanted to figure out the secret behind her young appearance.

Same could be said for his father as well. Min Minhyun appeared to look quite young as well, making the couple so well matched. Otherwise, it would be awkward if Soohyun was the only one to look young.

Did that mean that Eunwoo was adopted by both of that?