Overwhelmed by emotions

That took away the gratitude she had for him.

This made her sure that the only reason he protected her was to mock her, and feeling frustrated due to that, she retorted, "I was planning to do that in the first place! You ruined my plans by catching me like that."

"You are crazy," he voiced out, rolling his eyes.

She just scoffed at that and vocalised, "Don't you have work to do?"

Somewhat glaring at her, the male said, "Will you let me do my work?"

The corner of her lips curved to form a smile while she folded her hands over her chest and then said, "Of course I will, but you know, when you ask for something, you have to give something in return. It's a give and take world after all."

"Tch! Give and take my foot," he stated before sitting on the couch beside hers.