Hearty breakfast

"Holy fuck!" she exclaimed— her eyes widened.

Ryu Yoonmi was seated upon the bed while holding the blanket close to her. A perplexed expression was visible on her features as she stared at the man resting beside her.

Never had she had imagined that she would share the same bed as him.

She was aware of the fact that she had drifted off to sleep on his couch yesterday, and it would be absolutely acceptable if he had left her there.

But having shared a same bed as him was too much of a shock for her despite of being aware of the fact that the man was not attracted to her.

A yawn escaped from his mouth as he ran his hand through his hair, and squinting his eyes open, he voiced out, "What are you shouting about so easy in the morning?"

Seeing how he was glowing so early in the morning after having to wake up, the grievances inside of her heart increased.