Chapter 10: Powers of Different Levels

"So does that mean a martial artiest doesn't have limit??"

"Well in my mind yes it doesn't have limit until every one gives up marital art"

Tang xiu again said"For now those who have already advanced to White stage foucus on maintaining your foundation if you have weak foundation then you will only have high rank with less average power in the terms of martial artist in the same league

You should know a White level martial artist can take on group of ordinary people and can come victorious

A Yellow level martial artist can blow up a trees and rocks with his bare fist alone

A Purple marital artist can severely damage a whole army of less then 10000 soldiers

A black level martial artist can defeat a army of 10000 people with minimum injuries

A Gold level martial artist can defeat a army of 40000 soldiers with barley any injuries

All of the levels's strength are far more greater then another and one would usually choose to retreat if the opponent is higher level except for assassins as the assassins are specialized in hidden attacks and if they succeed they can kill a enemy at higher level than you with barely any injuries if they are killed in a single strike"

Third Shadow asked "Then what about others beings like heavenly being or divine beings what power do they possess??"

After short silence Tang xiu replied "All of you are far too weaker once you at least reach Black level of Martial art I will give you the answer so for now train and be strong to live in this 'Jungle' where strong steps on the weak "

After the meeting all of them Tang xiu decided to return

At Tang xiu's room

His father was sent to the western side to take inspection of the border and it will take him at least 2 months to inspect them properly and his Father was obviously very strick so it will take him 2 months otherwise he would have completed this task in less then one month and his mother was ill so she didn't have time to care for tang xiu and the maids and workers obviously wouldn't pay much attention to him so at least for 1 month he was not worried unless his father decided to return unexpectedly so he had one month of time to build strong foundation for the House of Shadows

Note: The First Shadow is Chen xi from episode six and the other nine were his friends while others were given to them after Tang xiu inspected their talent for martial art