Chapter 13: To become a Heavenly Being

Tears had started to came out from Tang xiu eyes after wiping the tears Tang xiu said to himself in mind "It seems I am starting to have feelings because of this new body otherwise I wouldn't have cried even is my own past parents had died" as tang xiu was trained to be a cold-blooded human by his parents only 'she' was able to make him show his true feelings.

Tang xiu thought "I should probably start practising Sword techniques otherwise my sword technique will probably degrade due not practicing them" and Tang xiu sneak out

At a ground outside of the Mansion there were only 10 to 20 knights in the ground they were practicing sword techniques while some were dueling with each other while others were resting or napping, this ground was known to be Training room of the knight as his Father had gone to the western border because of the order from the king he had taken many soldiers that included his own bodyguard, personal soldiers to check on the western border because of this reason the Knights around the place only amounted to 10 to 20 otherwise the number of knights training in this place would be at minimum 50.

"Even though they don't have good quality sword it is still better then nothing" then Tang xiu 'borrowed' the sword of a knight resting in a tree and left

The knight taking a nap woke up not finding his sword he shouted "Which bastard stole my sword"

At the forest

Tang xiu was holding the sword he 'borrowed' from the knight with his eyes closed.

After some time Tang xiu suddenly slashed the tree and the tree collapsed.

"It seems my sword skills are being held up by the lack of power well I am no longer a Divine king but a mere purple stage martial artist so I should quickly increase Power as much as I can"then Tang xiu returned his room and started to absorb True Spiritual energy

After 15 days

"I have finally reached Black stage of Martial art now only gold stage is the final obstacle for me to reach Heavenly Being"

To become a Heavenly Being one needed to surpass the limit of normal humans,then surpassing the limit of Ordinary humans then one should again go beyond the limit of Normal humans and then one could become a Heavenly Being