Nakamura Vs Axel

(Nakamura) 'i will make you bow before me'

(Axel) 'let see😎'

(Nakamura) 'yahhh!'

Nakamura running toward Axel and Nakamura swing his sword to Axel

But with easily Axel dodged the sword and Nakamura trying once again swing his sword toward Axel but once again Axel dodged Nakamura sword

(Nakamura) 'don't keep running you coward'

(Axel) "smile"

(Maria) 'wahh ,it my first time seeing Nakamura opponent smile while fighting him'

(Chika) 'yeah it shock me too that there someone who not from the Top 2 Clan can fight big brother like this'

Axel Continued Dodged Nakamura Sword

(Nakamura) 'ohh i hear from the soldier that you have 2 demi-human with you at Golden Inn'

(Axel) 'so ?'

(Nakamura) 'after i defeat you here i will kill your demi-human in front of your eyes'

Suddenly Axel stop moving

(Nakamura) 'hahh i got you!'

And Axel put down his sword

And Nakamura running faster to Axel and swing his sword with his full power at Axel

(Chika) 'Run Axel you will die if you didn't run!'

But Axel with ease catch the sword with his 2 fingers ,everyone shock that Nakamura sword being stop with just 2 fingers

(Maria) 'what!'

(Chika) '😱😱'

The King And everyone in the Stadium shock ,after that Axel with just one step he move forward and just one punch Nakamura is fainted

(Nakamura) 'gahhh'

After Axel punch Nakamura his left the stadium

(Aryan) 'do you guys still doubt about his power'

(Edward) 'no your highness'

(Aryan) 'then that good'

(Chika) 'big brother!'

(Maria) 'wahh he so strong'

After Axel left the stadium

(Luk) 'Axel where are you going ?'

(Axel) 'hmm i'm going to the Dungeon'

(Luk) 'noo you can't go now ,you must wait for the order from his highness'

(Axel) 'so you tell me to wait again ,after that what you tell me to fight the Rank A again ?'

(Luk) 'no'

7 Elite team And King Aryan meet Axel in front of Stadium

(Edward) 'Axel wait! '

(Axel) 'just know this ,i have power to kill everyone in here right now ,and if i hear any of you guys insults Luna and Coco again ,i promise you guys that will be the last word you hear from that guy'

(Edward) 'how dare you talk to me like that!'

(Aryan) 'wait Edward'

(Edward) 'why Your Highness ,i can kill that guy will easily'

(Aryan) 'stupid ,even you Edward he will finish you in a second "that scary eyes i already seen that ,but where did i see scary eyes like that?"

(Edward) 'you highness!'

(Aryan) 'let go to Castle first ,Axel if your angry is cool down come to Castle ,Luk show Axel around this capital City'

(Luk) 'yes your highness'