The Truth ( Part 1 )

Wallace has been searching for a safe place to land for a couple of minutes. He wanted to make sure that no other traps were present on the island.

He glanced at the eastern part of the land and used his Divine Sense to monitor and avoid alerting the guards. 

As Wallace descended in an isolated area near the shore. He noticed that the dome at the center of the island was lighting up from time to time. Although it wasn't that bright, it was enough to see them during this dark night.

"They're still working during the night, huh. I wonder what it looks inside." Wallace mumbled as he was getting nervous and excited at the same time.

He chose an area opposite of the dock to avoid the stationed battleship and as soon as he landed, his Divine Sense felt some connection coming from the dome. Unfortunately, there was another presence he had detected filled with killing intent. He scanned the surroundings again and noticed a person trying to find his presence.