Soul Arts

Wallace watched everything that has transpired within his property.

It certainly didn't feel good to see your place getting destroyed by trespassers.

Luckily, they only destroyed the insured defense systems and the cheap gate that he has upgraded.

Due to the magic jammer, it easily succumbed to the intruder's powerful strike. Without the Mana Pulse Barrier protecting it, it looks so brittle in front of them.

Anyway, the recording wasn't that long. Avalon had also sent him information about the twelve individuals. Looking at it, they were still labeled as unknown.

Although they were obliterated, the A.I.'s scanner captured their images and it was now tracing their origins. 

As Wallace was about to return, an incoming call from a representative of the Golden Trident Group came. Wallace thought for a moment before deciding to answer the call. Anyway, it wouldn't take long.
