Sudden News

Wallace was having a bad feeling in their current situation. He wasn't sure why but he can feel that danger was approaching them. 

He didn't keep it with himself and mentioned it to Yumi and the others.

"Mhmm... I'm having that same feeling..."

Yumi said while still keeping their running pace. 

Hannah didn't say a word but she nodded at this while Clint and Elaine seem to be extending their sense to detect any approaching dangers.

"What do you suggest?" 

Yumi asked Wallace since he was the one who mentioned this. 

"I'll be in front... We'll only need to follow this direction, right?"

"Ho~ Sure... Take the lead..."

 If he was in front, he was confident that he can survive or escape any monster threats coming at him. 

"It's only natural that you'll feel some dangers around here... After all, this is where thousands of adventurers perished in just a few days..."