First Spaceship

After Ace heard Wallace's message from Avalon, he didn't immediately react as he was stunned by this sudden news.

'Several months? He's really planning to dump all these tiring works to me, huh...'

Ace was already aware that it was really his task to manage the construction and the creation of magic technology.

After all, although his body was physically strong and has already adapted to mana, he wasn't as strong as Wallace who has Void Phase, Astral Core, and Arcane Link. He has to work on something that would benefit not just his individual strength like what his other body pursues.

He needs to maximize his A.I.'s capability unlike what Wallace did and show to the world the vastness of the galactic technology. 

'Sigh~ I just hope that he won't get too attached in that place and decided to live there for good... Anyway, I should be more than enough to protect this place.'