Friend or Foe ( Part 1 )

Beep![ Taking over the control of the spacecraft was completed. ][ Analyzing Spaceship Status... ]"Great... While you're doing that, can you tell me the name of this asteroid-like spacecraft..."[ Yes. This spacecraft was named Omen IV. It was the latest interstellar spacecraft created by the Arians. As we have suspected, it was using a similar Raze Drive technology but the record shows that it was an improved version of this technology. The official name was Raze Drive II. ]"Mhmm... Just like what I thought... Continue your checks on the system..."[ Status has been confirmed. Aether Force : 89% [ Green ]Raze Drive II - System : 92% [ Green ] Shield Nucleus Energy : 1% [ Red ]Hadron Beam Energy : 100% [ Green ]Armour Phase : 70% [ Yellow ]Internal Assembly : 87% [ Green ] ... ] Ace saw a long list of information about the current status of the spacecraft.