Veda's Plan

[ I want the Aether Force. ] 

Veda answered as if it was waiting for the young man to ask. 

Ace squinted his eyes after hearing this. The most important thing within this spaceship wasn't their highly advanced cannon or the armor they use to protect from external attack. It wasn't the A.I. controlling this ship or the Arians manning the vessel, it was the Aether Force powering up this whole spacecraft!

"Wait... What would you use them for? I don't think that you'll need them to operate yourself, right?"

[ I need them to strengthen some of the aristocrats under me. ]


Ace was a bit surprised to hear this. He was aware that the A.I. has a connection to many powerful individuals due to its identity as a secured database. 

When he became an apprentice of a Grand Arcanist, his Senior Lacus Minerva explained about Veda's existence and how only a few people were aware of it.