Invitation ( Part 2 )

Ace saw Wallace's appearance with his Bio-Armor suit in front of the Imperial Flagship…


He knows that he's about to do something crazy… However, confronting the fleet with his tiny figure seems to be a bit too crazy!

Wallace's body wouldn't even cover one of the main cannons of the spaceships.

He's too small in front of the enemies!

Nevertheless, he knows that the man wouldn't act without any plans whatsoever… There must be a reason for his appearance here…

'Seriously, how would you invite them like that?'

Ace mused. Wallace's said that he's planning to invite the Empire to land so Ace was a bit curious on how he would do it.

Then, he saw the Imperial Flagship activate all of their CIWS. Wallace would be in trouble if didn't act now…

Although Magicians are powerful with mana, there is a proper way of using it to fight against the enemies.

Boom! Boom! Boom!