
'Tsk! What kind of power is this? Is this similar to what the Celestial Being has?' Percival complained after realizing that he's weakening due to the mysterious ability of the Khrusams.

It was just giving a lot of pressure to their group but it feels like it's sucking their energy… or perhaps, their life force!

They tried to use their Mana Artifacts to create multi-layered barriers but unlike the sages of Montego who have a Secret Art that allows them to manipulate their life force, they were only able to manipulate Mana which doesn't seem to be enough to deal with them…


Suddenly, as Percival was despairing due to his helpless situation, a simple Mana Bullet was used by someone from far away and hit the head of the Khrusam in front.

The bullet passed through his head killing the alien instantly!


His body dropped to the ground unmoving…

Thud! Thud! Thud!