
Lacus arrived at the Cloud Hawk Manor…

There is a building specifically for the provisioning of the Tranquil Mind to normal people. 

She can see the other three apprentices working to help everyone get used to the presence of mana…

Apparently, once they consumed a cup of mystical water, there will be a chance that they will be overwhelmed by the pressure of mana.

However, it is not life-threatening since their bodies were already adjusted to mana. After all, they grew up here on this planet and their only problem is that they have a very affinity to mana.

They were always experiencing its existence but they can't manipulate or control them.

"Are there any issues, Sir Clyne?" The lady asked after entering the manor.

The old man in front of her is Clyne Troyard, the trustworthy butler working for the Manor before she was even born.