Second Offensive II

[ The Strugglers Elimination Mission was successfully completed. All the five Conqueror Starships were destroyed by the Chronos that were sent out. ] 

"How's the casualty, Avalon?" Ace asked after hearing the good news. 

He was impressed by Hilda and the others who completed the task but there were definitely casualties in this. 

[ Only two Chronos with 30 Magicians have survived in the battle. All the Mech Knights were destroyed. ] 

"This… That's too many… Did they force themselves? Ugh… Give me the list of those 30 magicians…"

There should be about a hundred Magicians in total in that operation. 

With such a low rate of survivors, it can still be considered a failure on their end. 

Ace clenched his fist after noticing that Ferdie, Ray, and even Lewis Vermont were not on the list of survivors…