Planetary Invasion ( 4 )

The Imperial Prince of the Meredith Empire… He is someone that even most of the citizens of the Empire had never seen.

The members of the Imperial Family had seldom shown their faces to the public. Only when it's time of crisis they would normally appear.

Aside from that, there are cases that if they plan to conqueror a planet, they wouldn't even participate and will just let their trusted subordinates do it for them.

However, Wallace is now facing one of the members of the Imperial Clan!

Though he's unsure which prince was this guy, he recognizes their feature.

The man has white hair and green eyes, a feature of a pure-blooded Imperial descent, unlike Prince Zamphail…

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Wallace suddenly noticed that they're walking away!

"Hey! Aren't you going to say something?! Why did you even come here?... Wait-Why did you capture me in the first place?!"