Chapter 10

After hearing his name, Alexander turned his back away from the boy and was about to leave, when Arthur called back, "Wait!"

Alexander then turned back, facing Arthur with brows raised, "What?"

"You said if I loose, you will take my sister as a sex slave, what if I win?" continued Arthur.

"If you win, I will grant you one wish then!" directly replied Alexander and then continued, "Can you read?"

"Yes." answered confidently by Arthur.

"Why were you stealing then? Only higher noble ones can afford education in this era!"

Arthur, not wanting to disclose his past, said in a fierce tone, "It's none of your business!"

Alexander, thinking that Arthur might had some bad past experience, without any more words, he turned away and then left.

At a little distance not far away from the both of them, there was actually a man in robe watching and observing them two. What they don't know was, their whole meeting has already been spyed upon by a mysterious man, and he was laughing with a smirk.

Upon seeing him leave, Arthur, with the book in his hand that was given by Alexander, started being curious, but didn't open the book yet. He then went away from that isolated place and walked towards his home.

Meanwhile after leaving Arthur, Alexander then continued roaming the city. He came across the slave market. At first, he didn't really want to buy a slave. He went into that market out of his curiousity. He then saw a male slave, the same age as him, his eyes was filled with some fire.

Upon seeing the eyes of the male slave, Alexander got excited and curious, he wanted to try to have a slave of his own, since he never heard of them on earth. He then bought that male slave.

After that, he took the male slave with him and went back to the palace.

Arthur, after reaching home, he then patted the shoulders of his blind sister, in letting her know that he has arrived home.

And since his small room has no light, he sat outside with the book still in his hands.

He then openned the book that was in his hand and started reading it.

On the first page was written in big capital letters: E E T

Author: A

He noticed that the author's name was just capital A written slightly in italic.

"Hmm, what's the meaning of EET? And who is Author A?" he thought.

He then opened the next page of the book and found the explaination and meaning of EET.

It was explained that EET means Electro Ether Theory.

While he was in the middle of his reading, a man from behind him peeked on him to see what he was doing, only to find out, that he was reading empty pages of a book in parchments. The man didn't know that only Arthur can see what was written on those parchments because it was bound to him when Alexander used his blood. And Arthur didn't realized it yet too.

So the man asked him, "Why are you looking at empty pages with so much interest?"

Shocked at the man's question, Arthur's brows raised and asked, "What empty? Are you blind? Can't you see?"

"I'm not blind. But there's really nothing written on those parchments. Nada!" insisted the man.

Realizing that the man seems telling him the truth, Arthur then, approached another person - a stranger, who was nearby him and asked, "Can you see the words that's written on it?"

"Nope. There's nothing written on it. It's empty." the stranger answered.

He then remembered that Alexander used his (Arthur's) blood on the book. So he realized now, that probably, he is the only one who can see what's written on the book because it was bounded by his blood.

At this, Arthur, not minding other people, and after his realizations, he went back to sitting and continued to read the book.

The book contained it's theory :

"The most basic particle in this world is ETHER, anything and everything is made up of ether in different proportions and human's magic is derived from ether.

The mostly used word [Core] is nothing but the container of ether in our bodies. Imagine a small cup and a large cup and then fill them with water, the cups are our cores while water is ether, so which cup will contain more water? Definitely the large cup. So the larger the cup, the more ether you can store and the more you can store ether, the more you can use the amount of magic power and the more you can release the output .

And how to increase the core size?

There are many theories, but among all the most successful one is cultivation, which is a long process and boring, with which you intake ether into your core via pores on your body. Of course some people can cultivate a lot faster than some and they call it 'potential' while I'd rather call it stupidity because it's not completely related to the potential of a person, it instead needs two factors:

1) Number and quality of pores and core

2) How to use the brain.

Why the brain? Because among all these fools nobody knows how to use it properly,

So imagine your muscle, the more you strain it, the more painful it becomes at first but later due to shearing and tearing and recovery, it increases in size. It's the same with the Core size too, but you don't damage it. Never even think of damaging the core because it's irrepairable.

But how will you increase the size of the core faster? It's by intaking a large amount of ether into your core while cultivating and holding a large amount of core energy as long as you can, but it have it's own side effects. If you intake a very large amount, the core will burst and you will forever be crippled. If you don't intake enough, this method won't work. So you need to find out the peak point of your core and balance it.

With this method, one can increase the speed of cultivation by 10-25 times.

Spells? You don't need them, for they are utter bull shit created by this good for nothing old brainless morons! All you need for magic to work is your imagination and practical way of processing your thoughts."

Arthur kept on reading all the information present in the book till light fall. And if one could see him, his eyes are shining with fire and excitement!

When he was on the last page and when he just finished the last sentence, on a blank page on the right side, a few words started to appear...

"This Book will Self Burn in 5 seconds"







Arthur immediately threw the book away from his hand watching it burn all of a sudden. He saw the book burning like that till it completely burnt and was quiet surprised and thought "He must probably be a strong master...I don't know how I can defeat him in just 3 months! I need to protect her. But why did he even give me that book in the first place? Something sounds fishy here...Anyway I'm glad I found the way to get strong...Mom, Dad, I won't let those bastards get away. I swear, I will kill everyone of them."