Chapter 12

For the first month, both Arthur and Ceazar cultivated their mana and their core capacity separately at a separate place on each of their own trainings respectively. It was only on their second month that they started practicing magic.

Arthur, started to concentrate, as he focused his mind on his hands, he imagined a spear to form it with water. Suddenly, a small water bubble started to form in his palms... the water just... suddenly puff! He tried concentrating again and this time, with a more intense imagination... Suddenly a water bubble again appeared in his palms... this time, it did not puff. Instead it thickens and within a split seconds the bubble turned into a rod. And for few more seconds, it stayed as a rod. And then all of a sudden it went puff and dissipitated. He keeps trying and failed, trying and failed again. And after many tries and fails, one day, he was able to form it into a spear. Seeing that it had successfully formed into a spear, he grinned a bit and then with a fierce look in his face together with his force he put into the formed spear, he throw the spear into one of the big trees and...


It pierced into one of branches of the tree and the branch then fell off from the tree due to being pierced by the spear. The spear then, dissipitated after the branch fell onto the ground.

Seeing the damage the spear had done on the tree, he thought to himself, "Hmmm this is a good start of training myself. Not bad! I'll rest for the rest of the day then and will continue the next days as I will be re-energized"

So he went back home and rested.

Ceazar, in the meantime that his master Alexander had left him to train on his own, began concentrating...he saw a big rock on the ground and he focused his concentration on it and aiming his palms on it too.. Suddenly, the rock tilt to the right side in a split seconds and then went back to it's original position and stopped moving.

Once again he focused and concentrated himself, this time he's imagining that the rock would split into two, with still his palms aiming into it... The rock started to shake itself from left to right and then it stopped it's shaking and returned to it's original position again. He tried and failed. He tried again and failed again and again. Until one day he managed to move the stone shaking up in the air, and split it into two. Later, the split rocks becomes sharp edged objects. He concentrated all the more and the sharp edged objects were shoot all over. Some stabbed a tree, some darted in the ground and some darted on fruits on the nearby trees and some covered like a defensive shield from the other sharp objects...

"Swish, swoosh, thud!"

With a great satisfaction of his first successful achievement in his training, he thought to himself, "I will practice more in the next days and will improve then. Hehehe."

So he went back to his room, and ate the food that was delivered in his room sometime before he came back to his room. After eating, he sit by his small table and began practicing his writing as well. After an hour of practicing writing, he went to his bed and rested.

Alexander on the other side of the palace' backyard, being conscious of what could have he damage of in the palace like the last time, he went to the lake side, which can be found in the further back of the backyard's garden. He started concentrating himself. But unlike the first time, he became too careful of not exhausting magic power to the point of falling unconscious like the last time. Instead, he started researching a new theory and discovering his own capacity, and used only 90% expansion of his mana. He then concentrated himself and in few seconds, a water ball then appeared and formed on his palms. At a split seconds, he spammed his water ball on the surface water of the lake, and it created a great... "Splash!"

And the splash turned into a small whirlpool for few seconds before it dissolved into not that small but not that big waves, either. Not long after, some dead fish appeared and floated in the surface of the water. He then got the fishnet he saw laying on the side of the lake, and started gathering them on the net. With a satisfaction on his heart of the result that he only used up 90% of his mana and he still got 10% left on himself, he thought, "Hmm, this is good, at least, I did not passed out and I still have remaining 10% of mana. After 7 days of recuperating I will use 91% the next time. And rest for 7 days interval in between and kept on spending on consecutive mana capacity as 92%, 93%, 94% till 99% and recorded the amount of rest needed per percent of mana left. And will continue to shear and tear my cores, onwards up until 3 months time."

He went back to the palace with the dead fishes and asked a maid to cook it all for dinner.

And while waiting for his dinner to be served, he went to his room, continued his research and kept writing a book.

Ceazar became curious as what his master Alexander was doing seeing him practicing magic for a little bit and then eat and rest for 7 days, and keeps writing. He then curiously asked, "Your Highness, I'm curious what have you been doing? 'Coz all I've seen you're doing was you get up once a week, use your mana and then sleep all week," with a curious raised brows.

"Let me tell you this... just like the muscles will increase on over expenditure of energy and exercise... I wonder if the mana capacity will also increase? So I am checking out a theory regarding this, including also as to how much the recharging time would be needed per expenditure." Alexander explained.

At this, the more Ceazar didn't understand, and more confused. But he didn't ask more questions as he thinks it would only lead him into more questions and confusements then. For him, he realized that it's better to focus on his own training and his own mana capacitity.

After all, it is already the end of the 2nd month. They still have 1 month left yet for them to use to upgrade or develop all the more their capacities.

While the other Princes and Princess were also doing their own training each at their own pace, and at their own space as well. They keep practicing their training, their magics they were using with all the chants they were using when Merlin had taught them. On top of that they were practicing knight arts as well. Princess Tilly, even if she has no bloodline but she practiced her magic power and had developed more power capacity as well.