Chapter 14

And so, after few minutes of contemplating, the two opponents Arthur and Ceazar, came out from their daze after Alexander shouted at them.

"What are you two waiting for? Are you two chickening out already? Start fighting against each other, now!" commanded Alexander in a shout out to the two.

Arthur and Ceazar began to position themselves getting ready to face each other's attacks. They stood apart from each other.

Arthur keeps throwing spells while Ceazar only keeps blocking it with earth wall.

Arthur started using spells of water to test what he will use. Next he used fire, and then wind. But to no avail of winning.

'Coz whatever Arthur uses, Ceazar just keeps blocking it all with earth wall 'coz his mana is too high.

Attributes of powers are these:

Water counters Earth

Water and Fire counter each other

Wind counters Water

Wind counters Fire

Earth counters Fire

Earth counters Wind

And after a while of using both of their mana capacities up to 50%, Alexander then interfered.

"It looks so boring! Why aren't you both moving from your spots and only standing there casting spells?" Alexander complained.

"Move? We aren't knights! Don't you know the difference between the knights and the magicians?" Arthur retorted.

"Tsk, shut up! I know! It's just that you two people, really sucks!" Alexander hissed with a smirk.

"Then why don't you fight us instead? I still have 50% mana left," challenged Arthur to Alexander.

"Fine! I only have 25% and I'm weak. But, I'll defeat you and you can understand that mana capacity, standing and using spells doesn't make any sense and it's all about processing spells." Alexander accepted the challenge with his proud explainations.

"You're saying too many words and have not done anything yet. Sure. Let's fight. Go!" Arthur confirmed.

And without any more words, Alexander then created a long ice rod with pointed end. It looks like a spear and was very thin and sharp. He lifted it and rotated it along with it's axis in such a way that there's a suction type of force at the end of the spear and a thrust at the base of the spear, to increase it's speed.

Arthur, upon seeing what Alexander has done, then created an earth wall, since earth can counter any solid and sharp objects including ice.

Alexander threw the spear. But due to the suction type of pressure at front, it keeps sucking air into the spear at front and turned watervapour into water and ice, due to the transfer of water which had caused it to turn into the water at front.

So the whole spear turned into water from the start, from front to back, which counters earth.

The earthwall get countered by the water then.

After 1/2 of the spear turned to water and was countered by the earthwall, Arthur realized somehow that the spear became water so he tried to use wind blade instead, to chop it.

Arthur wanted to use the wind to counter the remaining half of the spear which turned to water, but then Alexander controlled that 1/2 water spear that's left and turned it into an ice by sucking away heat from it and forming a heat ray behind that ice spear.

Wind can not counter heavy objects like ice that's why Arthur got hit by it. After the wind touched the heat ray, it went wild because fire is exagerrated by wind and then that flames hit Arthur. He then fell back and used all his mana to defend himself.

Thus, Alexander had shown him that, "Mana capacity was not all that matters, but what matters most and it's the main point, was how it was being processed and how you control it".

And before Alexander could shut him up, Arthur complained, "Ceazar has a lot of magic capacity and he is lucky to be taught by you a lesson about that processing and control were important. I could see how he (Ceazar) defeated me using only 10% of his mana while I needed to use 40% of my mana to defend myself and I still failed in the end."

"Hahaha. I could smell some jealousy here. Are you jealous that Ceazar has more mana capacity than yours?" Alexander smirked.

"Of course not! I'm just stating the fact of what's his capacity over mine. The fact that you were never with me to teach me all these while you were with Ceazar all these months training him."

Arthur retaliated.

"Oh, that's jealousy indeed! hahaha." Alexander confirmed and then turned to Ceazar...

"Ceazar, you tell Arthur here what did I do nor did not do to you in your training!"

"Hmmm, because I don't know how to read and write, you taught me how first. Then, when I learned how to read, you left me to train about spells and mana capacity on my own, while you were experimenting on your own mana capacity as well."

"See, there's not really of much difference of how did I trained you both. I left you both to train on your own," declared Alexander.

And Arthur dumbfounded...