Memories Are Hard To Forget

Upon checking all the corners of the room, she noticed her luggage was empty and her clothes were neatly stacked on the wardrobe, "Am I here to stay for my whole life?" her expression was pure amazement, "I'm only here until Saturday. What was he thinking?" her hand placed on her forehead as if she had a sudden headache.

"I will love it if you stay here with me for your whole life or even the next, I don't mind at all," he spoke behind Ji An as he wrapped his arms around her.

His sudden appearance startled Ji An, "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be cooking." not moving away from him and not resisting his hug.

"I want to know your preference. What do you want to eat?" his voice was very sweet, they were behaving like a newlywed couple who are on their honeymoon.

"I don't mind, just cook whatever. It's fine!" She then moved and free herself from his arms and walked towards the bed, "I'll have a little rest first, I'm feeling a bit tired. I'm sorry if I can't help you in the kitchen." Her voice sounded tired, she yawned as she lay down in bed.

He helped her to bed and tucked her in, "I'll be sure to wake you up when food is ready." His eyes were bright as he kissed her forehead and gave her one more look before leaving the room.

If she wasn't pregnant there was nothing to worry about, she will enjoy all this and accept his heart. But things are different, she can't possibly let him take responsibility for her and her baby. If she tells him her situation, for sure he will look at her in a different way and maybe he will be disgusted in her. After all the thoughts she had in her head, she gradually fell asleep as her pregnancy was making her very lethargic.

After an hour, Cheng Ze's manly voice tried to wake her up, he gave her a gentle tap on her cheeks. "Ji An, food is ready, we should eat before it gets cold." He nudged her gently until she opened her eyes.

She opened her eyes slightly and started blinking and saw Cheng Ze, her smile was sweet enough to melt Cheng Ze's heart, "Okay, let's go." He helped her to get up and they went downstairs together.

After Ji An sat down, he started to serve the food he cooked. He made a lot of dishes for her all her favourites. She looked at the food that he served and the strong smell of onions was coming from the food on the table. Her tummy suddenly turned upside down and she felt incredibly sick. She covered her mouth and ran to the toilet which is near the dining room.

Cheng Ze followed her immediately after she ran off and knocked on the door repeatedly. "Are you okay? You haven't tried the food yet and you got sick already. I'm not that bad of a cook you know." He was just trying to make her feel better as he doesn't know what was wrong with her.

Ji An opened the door and smiled wryly, "I'm okay. It's probably because..." She looked at him and studied his handsome face, he looked so worried and afraid. "I just woke up and my blood wasn't flowing properly." That was the lamest excuse she could come up with.

Cheng Ze was really worried about her, he wanted to make sure that she was okay and nothing was wrong with her, "Should we go to the hospital and get you checked out by the doctor?" his worries were evident on his face and voice.

"No... no... no... I promise you, I'm okay. We should eat before the food gets spoiled." She won't dare to go to the hospital with him, pregnancy was the problem of her being sick like that and she knows it. What if he finds out that she is pregnant, what then?

As she sat down back to her chair, the smell of onions was still there and it's making her feel sick once again and couldn't take it any longer, she got to ask him, "Uhm Cheng Ze, does all of them have onions?" while she pinched her nose slightly.

He stares at her in surprise, "Well, yes! You love them, right? At least I remember that." his smiling cheerfully and proudly like a little kid who was praised by his parents.

She has to leave the dining area or she will be running back to the sink again. "I think I'll just rest for now. I don't really have much of an appetite now as I got sick. And uhm.. next time you cook, can you not cook food with onions. I'm not into it lately." she looked at him apologetically, I'm sorry, you cooked for me and I cannot even eat it, let alone try it." She felt bad for not tasting the food he cooked for her, but what can she do?

Trying to find a way to make her eat, he racked his brains and thought of other food she likes, "You said you were hungry. I'll get you food from the shop. I'll get you fish, you like them as well. What else do you want?" He seemed enthusiastic smiling like he achieved some great award.

Fish is a big NO right now for her, so she was quick to reply to him, "Cheng Ze, please don't cook fish, don't buy them. I cannot stand the smell of it. Just get me some salad or some sweet and sour chicken, no onions."

He was confused by her behaviour, 'What's with her? Has she changed her favourites? Do I have to work extra hard to know her again?' he thought.

She left him as he was lost in his thoughts and went back to the bedroom, when Cheng Ze woke up from his thoughts, she was already gone. He decided to go out and buy food in the restaurant.

When he got back, he quickly cleared the table and served the food he bought and went to the room to wake her up again. "Ji An let's eat." He noticed her moved, "I got the food you've asked for. I'm sorry I took long." he gently nudged her and caressed her face when she didn't open her eyes.

As they were eating, Cheng Ze started to ask random questions to lighten the mood up and to start a conversation with her. "So how is England?"

Thinking about England, she smiled before answering his question, "It's good! Cold but nice." she then had a mouthful of food in her mouth.

He stared at her and stopped eating before asking another question, "Can I visit you? How is Maike? by the way?"

She deliberately didn't entertain his question asking her if he can visit her and she focused on his question about her brother Maike, "Uhm... He left our house after his 18th birthday." there was nothing more to say about that topic so she asked him a question back, "How are you the heir of Tangxin?"

Cheng Ze sighed deeply, "When my mother got into an accident, my father found me. He took me back to his home." He has a nonchalant expression as he talked about it.

It got Ji An's interests as she didn't know the full story about his early life, his father were never a part of their conversation before, "You knew he was your dad straight away?"

"Of course!" he then opened up to her and gave her some information about his life before they even met, "My mum and I moved out when my mother found out that my dad was looking for a woman." he looked at her and drew a bitter smile on his face, "Apparently, that woman and my dad were in love long ago and my mother got in the way and accidentally had me, so my dad was forced to marry my mum." He clutched his glass of water and drank it before he continued, "It turned out that the woman was your mother. I was 7 when we left the house."

His story pinched her heart, she remembered her father, "My father loved my mum so much. I don't know why they divorced." She felt sad as she remembered what had happened to her parents. "Let's not talk about that." she sighed and shook her head.

Later on that evening, they watched The Passenger together in the living room. She liked that movie and forced Cheng Ze to watch it with her. Back then, she always forced Cheng Ze to watch a movie with her, he never once complained or refused her even if he did not like the movie, her brother will encourage him to go with him but Cheng Ze would stay with her even if he hated the movie they are watching.

Cheng Ze brought fruits for her as she watched, he remembered what they were like before when they were young, he would always give her fruits as she watched just like now.

He fell asleep on the couch and Ji An didn't noticed as she was so focused on the film. When the movie ended, she got up from the floor where she was sitting and saw Cheng Ze asleep on the couch. She didn't wake him up, instead, she got a blanket for him so he won't get cold later. After staring at him for quite a bit, she went upstairs and slept.