Decorating The Sect

Xiao Fang entered the Patriarch's Hall expecting to find his grandmother and the elders there, but it was completely empty.

'Maybe they ended early,' he thought.

With long furious strides, he quickly made it to her private quarters.

Before knocking on her door, he unclenched his fist, loosened his tensed posture, and took a deep breath in to clear his mind. He then announced his name and waited for her reply, but it never came. Xiao Fang wasn't feeling especially patient that day, so he eventually invited himself in.

Inside, he saw his grandmother sitting on a 2 by 4 gold cushion, and infront of her was a map of the entire Divine Sword sect. She was so focused on the map that she didn't pay any attention to Xiao Fang at all.


"Barging in here without permission, it better be important," she replied without sparing him a glance.

Xiao Fang paused. What was he supposed to say?

'Don't punish Xun Wei'?