Revenge Killing

Xun Wei had no grievances with the woman, but she would've been a liability if kept alive. At least now the Chun family was free from suspicion, they wouldn't expect the assassin to kill one of their own.

Xun Wei waited outside for a few more minutes before walking in with [ Stealth ].




Meanwhile, Xiao Hei was seated comfortably on a pillow seated across from Song Du.

"What is your name little girl?" He asked.

"Xiao Hei."

The name Xiao Hei was commonly used for pets, so he didn't believe her. He assumed she was just trying to keep her identity a secret.

"I was told that you wanted a collar. Please wait here while I go fetch you one. In the meantime, you can order anything you like from the menu."

Song Du gestured for one of his loli girls to follow him into the next room. She was less than 3 inches taller than Xiao Hei, but when she walked past her she could see how nervous she was to follow Song Du.