Sleeping Beauty

Xiao Fang opened the doors to his house but he let Yan Mei walk in first. Once Xiao Fang closed the door behind her, he suddenly felt Yan Mei's arms wrap gently around him.

Since she had met Xiao Fang, she had been so eager to do the deed with him, but the closer she got to his house, the more nervous she got.

Xiao Fang could tell from the way she was cutely biting her lip that she was nervous, so he slowly lifted her chin then gave her a kiss. There was nothing special about the kiss, but it still made her feel better.

As they kissed, Xiao Fang picked her up, then she wrapped her legs around his waist. She was as light as a feather, but that's what he expected from a spirit cultivator. Carrying her like this, she was now a bit taller than him, so he had to look up as they kissed.