Unlikely Ally

When the fighting was over, Xiao Hei waited patiently for Xiao Fang to call her over, but the signal never came. After more time passed, she eventually got tired of waiting and started to peek over the rocks to see how Xiao Fang was doing. To her surprise, Xiao Fang was quietly roasting some beast meat over a fire.

She looked around to see if there were any more tiered beasts still lurking in the area, but not only were all the beasts killed, all of their beast cores were clearly extracted from their bodies as well.

'That's strange,' Xiao Hei thought. 'Why isn't there any blood on his hands.'

There were lots of small puddles here and there so she eventually came to the conclusion that he must've washed it off after extracting all of the beast cores.

Since it seemed safe, Xiao Hei finally called out to him through a spirit transmission.

{"Fang, is it safe?"}