Lover (18+)

Rong Shi, Ye Ming, Jiang Mei, and Su Yun went down to the bath place together. Once they were there, the girls all removed their clothes, took a quick shower, then grabbed a clean towel from the rack. Once they were relatively clean, they headed to the pool.


A comfortable smile appeared on Ye Ming's face when she thought about getting into the pool. The last time she was here the bath made her feel so good she ended up staying for nearly an hour. Even though she already took a bath today, she couldn't wait to get back in with Rong Shi and the others.


"Hey, Ye Ming. If you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Long Wang?"


"How did I meet him?"

"Yeah, it's just, I was wondering if you got to know him the same way the rest of us did."

"He just found me in the woods and asked me if I'd like to join."

"That's it?"

Ye Ming pretended to think for a bit then replied, "yeah, that's it."