Optional Smut Chapter: Solid Clone

[ This chapter includes clone sex. If you don't like that kind of stuff, please skip this chapter. You won't see clone sex in the future, so this chapter is just for those who wanted to see it. ]


"I can already think of one door you can open," Su Yun said with a mischievous smirk.






Jiang Mei and Rong Shi both knew what Su Yun was thinking. If one Xiao Fang was good, then wouldn't two be better? They couldn't stop their thoughts from going wild. The more they thought about it the hornier they got.


"Is that the first thing that comes to mind?" Xiao Fang smiled rather wearily.


Even for a pervert like him, the thought of using his clone for sex never even crossed his mind. To use such an amazing technique on something as simple as sex didn't seem appropriate to him.


"Oh, come on. Aren't you even a little bit curious?" Su Yun begged.