Ambitious Eyes

For Xiao Fang's first class, the Teacher went over 2 different techniques. The 1st was a movement technique called [ 100 Step Clone Maneuver ], while the 2nd one was a support technique called [ Clone Vessel ]. Even though they were both simple techniques, Xiao Fang had never seen them before, so he paid close attention to the lecture.

Since the Divine Realm Teacher was performing both techniques herself, Xiao Fang knew he could gain even more insight if he used his visual technique.

[ Spirit Perception ]

Just like before, his surroundings changed. Every inanimate object became black, but outlined in grey, while the body of every person was white with the Qi inside of them being as clear as day. His blindfold didn't obstruct his vision at all, the only thing it did was conceal the fact that his eye colour changed from violet to blue.