Undisputed Victory

'It's about time I end this.'




Watching from the hole in the wall, Xiao Fang had taken his blindfold off so he could see Lai Yun and her clones below.

Meanwhile on the battlefield, Xiao Fang's [ Solid Clone ] stood with clean robes and it didn't have a scratch on him. Everyone present stared at Xiao Fang in disbelief.

"No way," Lai Yun thought out loud.

Lai Yun had used everything she had into that attack, so she especially couldn't believe what she was seeing.

'It must've been a clone. Yes, that has to be it,' Lai Yun eventually convinced herself.

However, the more she thought about it, the less she believed it to be true.


"Are you done?" asked Xiao Fang apathetically.

Lai Yun frowned.