Li ChangYing's Grievances

[ Li Family Guild House ]

News of Xiao Fang learning the [ Misdirection ] technique had quickly spread amongst the Li family clansmen. No one knew who he was, but it wasn't the first time they were hearing his name.

Back when Li Xiang passed the Inner Court Exam, the first thing she did when she arrived at the Li Family guild was tell them to go find a man by the name of Long Wang. For that reason alone, many of them began to suspect that Li Xiang was the one that gave Xiao Fang the [ Misdirection ] technique.

The news eventually reached the ears of the only Li family clansmen in the Dragon-Class. She was none other than Li Xiang's half-sister, Li ChangYing.

"What!?" Li ChangYing raged as she slammed her desk.

"We don't know who taught it to him, we don't even know if the rumors are true, but we wanted to immediately inform you just in case it was," the disciple reported to her.