Welcome Back, Fang

"Your brother, Xiao Fang has returned."




"My brother?" Xiao Jing suddenly frowned.

She didn't really know anything about Xiao Fang besides the fact that he was a cripple. She hated hearing his name, because many of her cousins back in the Chaos sect used to mock her for having a crippled older brother. However, it was only when she came to this sect that the Elders informed her that he wasn't weak like many people believed him to be. Of course Xiao Jing never believed it, but after hearing her previous instructors compare her to him so many times, she couldn't say that she wasn't curious.

Without warning, Xiao Jing quickly ran back to the Core Court then went to go see her father because she assumed Xiao Fang would be there. However, when she ran into her father on his way to the Patriarch's Hall, the only person that was with him was her mother, Lady Xu. Xiao Fang was nowhere to be seen.