In Need of a Sword

"Office, 5 minutes."




Upon walking into Xiao Fang's office room, Lai Yun couldn't help but feel like she was in trouble.

"Long Wang, erm... is there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Lai Yun asked.

Xiao Fang didn't immediately reply as he was in the middle of writing an inscription, but after failing to make the inscription paper glow he sighed then gestured for her to sit on the only seat available and said,


Lai Yun did as he said, and as she was getting seated she asked,

"So... what's this about?"

Not wanting to waste too much time on this, Xiao Fang immediately began to interrogate her about her whereabouts yesterday around 6pm.

Lai Yun didn't immediately answer, and pretended to think, but truthfully she knew exactly where she was. That was precisely the time when she was speaking to Chen Li about spying on Xiao Fang.

"Is... Is there a reason why you're asking?" She asked nervously.