Rising Tension

[ Black Paradise sect - Matriarch's Hall ]

As the morning briefing was coming to an end, Supreme Elder Quan suddenly stepped forward.

"Matriarch, permission to speak."

"Mn, granted," Matriarch Shi replied.

With the attention now on her, Supreme Elder Quan began to speak about her encounter with the Cannibal Abnormal Beast on the 7th floor of the sect's Ancestral Training Ground.

The Elders in the room began to murmur after Supreme Elder Quan finished telling them what happened, leaving out the detail about her being saved by Xiao Fang's supposed master.


"A 9th tiered Abnormal Cannibal beast, huh. How rare. It's battle power must be incredible," Disciplinary Elder Yao said in surprise.

"We can't allow such a creature to exist. It must be eliminated," another Elder said.

As Shi Lan was thinking about what to do, Supreme Elder Song suddenly stepped forward.