Assistant Elder Chu Yan

Current Nameless Guild Members

1. Long Wang (rank 9)

2. Ye Ming (rank 43)

3. Fei Lin (rank 47)

4. Yan Mei (rank 77)

5. Lai Yun (rank 87)

6. Zhao Pan (rank NA)

7. Peng Ting (rank NA)

8. Ruo Shi (rank NA)

9. Yuan Fei (rank NA)




In Xiao Fang's study room, Xiao Fang had a [ Solid Clone ] sitting in the lotus position on his desk while Jiang Mei and Su Lingxi stood besides it. He had asked them to guard it while he was out, so they were the first 2 girls he saw when he returned.

Seeing that he was moving again, their faces brightened up.

"How did it go?", "Did you return the book to them?" They asked.

Xiao Fang smiled lightly at their curiosity, but it only made their hearts skip. He didn't mind explaining what happened, but before he could, his door suddenly swung open.

"Fang!" Yan Mei said excitedly as she invited herself in.