
"Wyrmen, 28th of the month of Dryaster, Morning,

Today is going to be amazing! I can feel it in my bones."

As soon as Amrunela got up, she went in search of her best friend. She wondered what he was getting into and if she could join him.

She had not meant to eavesdrop but she had accidentally heard Jaekel talking with both of their fathers. She paused outside to wait for them to be done so she could spend time with Jaekel. It did not occur to her that this could be considered eavesdropping as they never kept secrets from her.

But she could hear what they were talking about. Listening she gathered that the prince had had another one of his dreams and that he was agitated over it.

She was just kinda listening, not paying too much attention to it till she heard Jaekel say that he was going to go check it out. He sounded really obstinate about it.

Not able to contain it, Amrunela burst into the room, "Then I am going with you!"

"Rune!" Jaekel raised his eyebrows, "You know if you were listening it would be better just to come in, right?"

"Maybe," She shook her head, "But I still stand by the fact that I should go with you."

Her father frowned a little, a bit of worry on his face, but the prince answered smoothly. "Of course, Rune. I would not dream of forcing you to stay behind. Your help would be greatly appreciated."

She smiled at him, appreciating the fact that he accepted her help without fighting her over it. Her father patted her on the head, "Just be careful, sweetling."

"Yah, Papa." She nodded at her father, and then focused her attention on her best friend, "So, I did not hear the full conversation. Can you tell me the details?"

Jaekel nodded, and then told her about the dream he had had last night and how uncomfortable it had made him feel. She listened to him and felt an undercurrent of excitement go through her. They would be traveling. And rather far too. She would be able to find out so much information, take notes. Maybe even make a map.

Noticing that her eyes had lit up, Jaekel laughed at her. "You actually look excited."

"I am. When do we leave?" She clasped her hands in front of her chest and gazed at the young man who had always been there for her.

It was Uncle Jayesh who answered though, "Not today. You two should spend some time preparing for your… journey." He sounded a bit frustrated and Amrunela realized that both of their fathers were not entirely happy about this, but neither one of them would argue with an oracle over a vision. "Is there anyone else you want to take with you, my son?"

Jaekel frowned, "I… don't know. Vaguely I just know that Rune probably should come with me. I would take Caldron as well but I think it might be better that he stays here…"

"Think about it, then."

Amrunela was excited as she left the room, walking beside of Jaekel. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and then spoke quietly, "You do know, I would have asked you to come with me, right? It never really even occurred to me that you might not."

She laughed softly, "Aye, Jaek. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not."

"Of course," He threw her a smirk, "And I would not have it any other way."

When their mothers found out about what was going on, they both had different reactions. Fayre wrapped her son up in a huge hug, tears in her eyes as she repeatedly told him not to be reckless. Amrunela's mother also hugged her softly, but instead of reminding her to be careful, she murmured that her baby girl was all grown up, going on an adventure and all.

Amrunela hugged her mother back, knowing that it was not that her mother was not worried but that she knew. Knew that deep down her daughter had always longed for such a thing. That she had fantasized about being a hero, or an archeologist, all her life.

The day went by in a blur as they began the preparations before they left.

"Wyrmen, 28th of the month of Dryaster, Evening,

We are going to be going to Nix'Ryl! Jaek and me. This is wonderful. Truly, unbelievably wonderful! I can hardly wait! It might be dangerous but so what? I can protect my prince, and if needed I can make people friendly to us. After all, friendship magic is one of my fortes. I wonder what we will find there? The people are not likely to be friendly but so what? I will have my dream come true. And even better Jaek will be with me!"

Amrunela let her little light disappear and laid down to sleep. Sleep did not come easily to the overly excited young woman though.