
"Ferian, 8th of the month of Caimures, Morning

The sun is shining today, and we are reaching the border of Nix'Ryl. So far in our journey nothing much has happened. I think Jaekel is pretty happy with that, and it is good that our kingdom is that peaceful, but I am spoiling for some action."

"What are you writing this time, Rune?" Jaekel leaned over her shoulder and she whirled around, snapping her journal shut.

She only barely kept herself from ribbing him with her elbow. If he had not been her best friend she would have. "Seriously Jaek, even if you are my best friend and a prince, my journal is private."

"Really?" He chuckled and stuck his tongue out at her, "Not like I couldn't guess what my best friend would write in a journal. You're probably just jotting down how excited you are!"

He laughed and then ducked as she swung her book at his head. "So, what if I am? I have always wanted to see Nix'Ryl!"

"You are your father's daughter…" He was still laughing as he walked away to go tighten their horses' saddle girths, "You coming? We can eat breakfast as we ride."

She quickly lept up onto the back of her horse and settled back into the saddle with a cheeky grin on her face.

Jaekel was a bit slower than her, swinging himself up properly as he rolled his eyes at her. She noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes and wondered what his dream last night had been about.

'Cause with that look either he had not slept at all or his dream had utterly ruined his sleep. She was broken out of the thought when he tossed a small loaf of bread at her, "Eat, Rune. It will be pointless to even go on this quest if you starve yourself."

She took the food in her hands and munched on it, not even really paying attention to the flavor. She examined their surroundings. She had never been to this border before, as her father never took her near anywhere dangerous. Her father had always been coddling of her and her siblings. And she could hardly even mind when it was because he was overprotective of those he loved.

It was about midday when they reached the border that separated their nation and the wild lands beyond. Amrunela could sense the power that separated the borders, the magical protection her father maintained and occasionally checked on. She could tell it was in good condition.

It was strange that it did not feel any different at first to step through that barrier. No tingling, no feel of dreadful boding.

Though she noticed a difference as they continued along, there was no sign of any towns, at least not whole ones, for miles along. If they had wanted to while they were in Carendlus they could have stayed at an inn. That was not even an option here.

They got off their horses in the early afternoon in order to let them drink from a stream they had come across. It seemed so peaceful, the rolling green landscape may have been dotted with the remains of old buildings but it seemed serene, calm. It was hard at that moment to believe the tales.

But then she was reminded of why the tales were there when a band of ragtag fellows came out of nowhere out of the ruined village that they had stopped near.

Amrunela immediately reacted as they came closer, weaving a protective net around her best friend. It would last long enough for this skirmish. Her own passive protective abilities lasted till she slept so there was no point doing so to herself, even if she did not care more about Jaekel's safety than her own.

The men did not even slow down and nearly plowed over her prince. It was only the spell that she had just cast on him that stopped the now confused man who was in the front.

Jaekel sliced at the man, easily managing to cut him bad enough to take him out of the fight. As Amrunela prepared one of the attack spells she knew she heard a whiny behind her.

She ignored their horses as she bounced some flames in her hands, before lobbing it at one of them, scorching his face and making him drop to his knees screaming in agony.

Using evocation drained her more than using her own chief school of abjuration but it was among some of the easier magic for her.

It was then that she saw fear enter the eyes of the rest of the men. They must have thought they had an easy target. As Jaekel cut down another one she watched the others turn to run.

Before they got very far, she cast one of the more powerful evocations she knew. Flames exploded from the midst of them, making them slump to the ground.

She heard a low whistle behind her, "I am so glad I brought you along. Fighting isn't my strong suit…"

She turned and glanced at the prince, a smirk on her face, "You did alright, considering this is the first real fight you –" She cut off, her eyes widening. "Our horses!"

She could see them on the horizon as they ran in fear. Jaekel whipped around to look and pursed his lips, "And they had the majority of our supplies too. We should probably go after them."

"Alright, race you then. First one to catch a horse wins." With those words Amrunela took off running. Jaekel was not far behind her and had soon overtaken her with his long legs. When it came to these races she never won if it was just about speed.

However, the horses were frightened and could ran much faster than either one of them could. They chased for a while, but eventually had to slow down.

"We can just generally keep going in their direction. Maybe we will be able to come across them after they calm down." Jaekel slowed down, panting from the exertion.

Feeling exhausted herself, she silently agreed and slowed down as well, "What all do we still have on us?"

As they checked the bags they had slung over their shoulders, they found out that they had enough food left for tonight, one bedroll, flint and steel, some currency, rope, and a blanket. They also still had their weapons.

"Not much." He answered quietly. He looked a bit embarrassed, "I should have paid more attention to the horses, sorry."

"Not your fault."

They continued walking till night fell, following the path their steeds had taken. It was much slower going without them.

"We need to rest, Rune." Jaekel laughed softly, "You are starting to fall asleep on your feet."

She rolled her eyes, "And you're not?"

They managed to find a fairly decent place to rest. And Jaekel told her to take the bedroll and blanket. This led to an argument between them, as it was chilly and she did not want him getting ill. It would be negligence on her part if she allowed her prince to get sick.

They ended up sharing the blanket, though he insisted she get the bedroll. Seeing the obstinate look on his face she ended up unable to continue to argue with him. She was too exhausted to write in her journal at all so she just turned on her side, facing away from her best friend and dropped off into a sound sleep.