
It surprised Jaekel just how quickly Talon managed to find their horses and bring them back. He was fast, as was quite evident in how he could easily run alongside of the horses without even breaking a sweat.

He did collapse afterwards though, clearly exhausted. Niliah looked down at him, a glimmer of a smile on her pale lips, "You really need to work on your stamina Wind. Just being fast isn't all that impressive if you break down afterwards."

He waved his hand at her, as if telling her to leave him alone, "So what? What do you expect? I'm just an eccentric, off beat fellow with a penchant for getting you out of trouble, remember?"

It sounded like the continument of an ongoing argument so Jaekel ignored it. Instead, he patted Snowflake's nose and was just glad to see his horse again. Rune also wrapped her arms around her mare's neck and she seemed rather happy to have her back.

So, it might be a little strange that Jaekel trusted Talon and Niliah so quickly but he knew that they meant him and Rune no harm. It was hard to explain exactly but there was a niggling in the back of his mind that they would prove useful. And Jaekel knew better than to ignore these niggling feelings. As an oracle his instincts were pretty much guided. It tended to be when he ignored these signals that he ended up in trouble.

Due to much the same thing he also knew that there was more to both of these people than immediately met the eye. He regarded them as he tried to get a tell of what exactly it was. A slight headache started forming in the front of his head until he nearly startled.

He had managed to see some of that 'more'. Nileah was filled with unmet potential, some of which was tied up with Talon's aura. Talon had a very disturbed aura that twisted into itself and broke off and mended itself. It looked quite dangerous, almost like what madness would look like.

Jaekel had the feeling that Talon was very close to insanity from that brief look he had gotten. Other than that, he had not gotten much of a reading, other than their aura's being connected.

Since the two had finished their argument, or at the very least left it till later, Jaekel got Talon's attention, "How did you find them anyway?"

"Your horses?" The man blinked a little, "Well, they left tracks for one. Plus, it does help to find run aways when the trees are willing to help."

"The trees helped you?" Rune seemed rather interested and popped up right behind of Jaekel, making him nearly jump. And then immediately relax as this was his best friend, she could sneak up on him as much as she liked. "Is this normal? How do you –"

He held up his hand to stop her, "Easy there. It's not exactly abnormal for them to help me. And as to how… I ain't gonna tell someone I just met my secrets. Now I believe you promised to tell us what your goal here is, so tell Princess now." He smiled and then walked out of sight into the forest.

Jaekel shook his head at the look of shock on his best friend's face, took hold of her arm and pulled her along to follow their guide as he told Niliah a quick rundown of what brought them there.

She frowned as he told her, and muttered, "Something about this sounds familiar… Perhaps Wind would be able to remind me what… he always seems to know all about different tales and stories from the olden days."

Rune seemed intrigued by what Niliah had just muttered, "Really? Think he would let me pick his brain a bit? I mean, not much is known about the past of these lands and my father would be excited if I could bring back some information."

Niliah looked at her, frowned a bit, and shrugged, "How would I know? Wind is a mystery to me as well. Sure, I might know more about him but I hardly understand him. I don't even know why he hangs around with me. But he has saved me enough times that I let him follow me if he wants. Not like I could stop him anyway…"

Rune frowned a little, her eyes scrunching up in that cute habit she had when she was thinking deeply about something, "…Aren't the two of you close?"

Niliah just looked at Jaekel's best friend for a moment and then shrugged, "I suppose so… I do trust Wind, even if he is crazy."

Talon hollered back from where he was making them a path through the undergrowth, "I am not crazy! At least not yet, my dear Princess." He flashed a white grin, "Just eccentric bordering on crazy."