
"Phoendrail, 11th of the month of Caimures, Morning,

Today is going to be glorious. I can feel it! Oh, I hope we get into another fight today! I kinda want to see how well we could work with Talon and Niliah in a fight. I know that my prince and I can take on anything if we have each other. Wouldn't it be nice though to add some more people we can trust like that?"

Amrunela had woken up in good spirits. When she left her tent she was startled when she walked straight into Jaekel. She nearly stumbled back if it wasn't for his quick reflexes that enabled him to catch her.

"Sorry, Rune." He smiled as he steadied her, "I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to say good morning."

She brushed it off. She would never hold anything like this against him. He was too important.

"Nevermind that. How'd you sleep? No disturbing dreams?"

"I had a dream but I don't know the people in it and it didn't seem dangerous so I have no idea what to do with it." Her prince tucked her hand into his arm, "Now why don't we go see what Niliah has cooked for breakfast?"

Amrunela reflected as she walked beside of her prince that she was quite thankful that their new companion did in fact know how to cook. And that she was rather good at it.

Niliah was making bread as they walked over. Currently rounding the loaves. She glanced up at them, her purple eyes looking a lot less wary of them now then they had been when they had first met.

Talon was sitting by the fire, staring into it. His hair and eyes had once again changed color. His hair was a metallic brownish color, lightly tinged in green. He looked rather calm as he sat there. As she came to sit beside the fire, she glanced at his eyes wondering what color they would be. They were a warm chocolate brown that somehow looked rather comforting.

He looked up at the two of them and smiled, "Good mornin', I hope you slept well, my friends."

Jaekel smiled back, "Well enough." She echoed him though she was a bit confused.

Honestly Talon was disconcerting with how he changed from one day to the next. You might think you had him figured out and then the next day he would be acting totally different. She wondered how it had not driven Niliah mad yet.

Or maybe Niliah understood it better. There was always that possibility she supposed.

Talon was more talkative this morning, he seemed rather approachable. She almost had the feeling they might have been able to get away with calling Niliah 'Princess' without really making him mad. He just really seemed rather easygoing today.

After they ate and the dishes were cleaned, Talon clapped his hands together, "Alright. We'd better be going. We might only be traveling a half day but the quicker we get going the better."

"We're only traveling a half-day?" Jaekel frowned.

"I forgot to mention our first stop didn't I? My apologies. I should have told you. We are stopping for supplies. There aren't many places that we can stop but there is a small village nearby."

Amrunela was not sure if it was just her ears playing tricks on her but when he mentioned the village his voice was filled with warmth and a note of longing.

It sounded like he was fond of the place.

"Alright. Thanks for letting us know." Her prince sighed, "Good thing you can actually talk to us today."

"Heh. My apologies. I hope I didn't come off as rude." Talon's smile was gentle and filled with warmth. "It was not my intention."

As they walked Amrunela was a bit disappointed that it was so quiet. There were no real sounds and no signs of life. She whispered to Jaekel, "Its so quiet."

Her prince smiled at her, "Well, at least we aren't under attack."

Unlike her, her best friend seemed perfectly alright with the lack of action. She sighed but didn't speak her thoughts as she knew he would probably patiently argue with her why not having any battles was more preferable anyway.