
Amrunela was excited about exploring this small village. She wanted to know more about how they lived here.

And there was something that caught her attention pretty quickly about some of the people.

Before now, she had never seen anyone else other than her own mother and some of her siblings that had red hair. But here there were several people that had the bright coloration on their head.

It made her wonder. She knew that other than her family there were no other redheads in Carendlus, and that that was pretty much the same in the other kingdoms. So where exactly had her mother got her red hair from?

She also knew that her mother had been found in the woods when she had been too young to yet speak. She had often wondered, though never mentioned this burning curiosity, how her mother had ended up there.

Noticing just how much more red heads there were here, unless they all belonged to the same family too, she wondered if maybe her mother's actual parents may have come from Nix'Ryl. It was a possibility. Not one she could prove of course. Or disprove.

And, really, it did not really matter. Whoever her grandparents were, if they were not already dead, then they did not deserve to be called as such for abandoning her mother like that. She could not think of a single good reason for it. Unless her mom had been kidnapped or something like that, and they had searched for her.

So, she pushed it out of her head and continued looking around the town.

It was actually a rather nice-looking village.

"They certainly seem happy here…" She heard her prince whisper and glanced over at him. He was smiling softly as he watched them. His eyes glanced at her and he continued, "As happy as everyone back home. I'm kinda glad we came here. It makes one hopeful for this place."

"Yeah���" She looked back at the happily working villagers, "It really does. I can see why Talon wanted to come here."

"I wonder… what would happen if Nix'Ryl could become more civilized? If these people could start expanding throughout and remake a country here?"

"I don't know. I kinda would like to see it."

Jaekel laughed, "Somehow, Rune, I am not surprised about that. I really just hope that whatever is going on won't hurt these people. They seem pleasant."

Amrunela found it difficult to tear her eyes away from her friend's face. His eyes looked so gentle as he looked over the place. He really did care about other people so much. Even people he had never met. She admired that about him.

She smiled to herself. And then pulled his hand to tug him along as she went more closer to the people instead of watching from afar.

It was a bit strange though. Everyone here was so welcoming. And trusting. It was not what she had expected to find in Nyx'Ryl at all. Especially to find a whole village like this.

Jaekel was right. It did leave a sense of hope that there were signs of people recovering from whatever madness seemed to lie on this land.

Amrunela was pleasantly surprised to find out that most of them were not adverse to answering questions! Sometimes they might gloss over stuff but some of them had some pretty tragic backstories on how they had first ended up here.

All of them were highly filled with praise for Mem. They had different titles for her as well: "The Flame of Nireal", "The White Lady", "Daughter of Xi'eli" just to name a few. The most common one though was simply High Priestess.

To be honest, Amrunela was a bit taken aback to think that this elven girl was a High Priestess. She had heard legends about such people, the greatest conduits of the blessings of Xi'eli, but had never thought she would actually meet someone who claimed to be one.

She wondered if it was true, and if having one appear was why this place was blossoming so.

Jaekel did not seem as surprised. Just nodded, as he seemed to be puzzling something out. When she asked she found out that he did in fact believe that it was quite possible that Mem was a High Priestess.

And if he believed it then she would be open to it as well.