
Niliah felt a bit lonely watching the villagers. Especially because she felt like Wind had abandoned her.

Oh they were perfectly friendly with her. But she was not used to being around so many people and it set her on edge.

She did like these friendly villagers. Even though she was jealous of the attention they were getting from her Wind.

She glanced over at the beautiful girl who seemed to be extremely close with Wind and frowned. She did not really want to talk to her, but at the same time she did. It was awful, this uncertainty… and she felt the need to know. What was their relationship?

Why were they so close?

She really didn't like Wind being that close with another girl. It was okay if he was friendly, but she didn't like this degree of familiarity that he had with Mem.

As people started heading off to their houses, Mem turned and grinned at her, "Walk with me, Niliah."

She got up and followed her. As she did she found herself looking at her. She needed to familiarize herself with her, it was better to know her rival after all.

Mem was beautiful. Very beautiful. And it made Niliah feel uncomfortable, knowing that her own beauty did not match up. How could she compete with this woman?

She had perfect curves. Had long reddish golden hair that cascaded down her back. A beautiful face with expressive lips and large gold-flecked green eyes. And despite this she had an innocent air about her. A childlike innocence, despite her obvious maturity.

And though she looked elven, her scent was not that of an elf. No, she wasn't elven. And this wasn't her true form.

Mem stopped by the river and gazed out at it, "So, tell me about yourself."

Niliah fell silent as she also looked out at the river, then finally said after a few moments, "I don't know you. Just because you know Wind, doesn't mean I should just spout off my life story to you."

"…Ariwynd." Mem murmured.


"His middle name. It's Ariwynd. I'd tell you his first name, but that is his to offer. He should tell it to you someday."

Niliah didn't say anything, just frowned. She really didn't like how familiar this girl was to him. She glanced at her sideways, "How do you know so much about him anyway? Even his actual name."

"There are a few people who know his name." She smiled, "I do know more about him than most people though."

Niliah didn't answer. She felt awful.

"It's only natural. We hatched from the same egg after all."

"Oh." Niliah blinked and smiled. That was better. "You're his sister? He talks of you occasionally."

They were siblings. Then this girl was no threat after all. She relaxed as Mem nodded.

"Then if you are his sister, I don't mind too much talking about myself." She sat down and gazed out, wondering where to begin.

"My mother was a good mom. I never knew my father, but mother says he was a good husband to her, and would have made a great father. He died protecting us, you see. Before I was actually born. Mother was heartbroken. But she did her best to raise me. I always did feel loved. It was only after she died that I realized fully how harsh this land can be. It was quite shocking. I was glad she taught me how to fight and hunt. It would have been easy to use these skills to steal and murder for food. But mother taught me differently and I refuse to live like that. Because I am a half-breed, I've faced some issues. People feel unnerved by me and wish to kill me. That is how I met your brother. Wind rescued me from being killed, and ever since has always come to my aid. Eventually it became normal and I let him just stay by my side."

Mem smiled, "You feel close to him now."

Niliah could not stop the flush that came to her cheeks, "Well, yes. He's confusing with the way he changes all the time but he is a good person."

Mem stared at her, and her eyes widened, "Oh, dear."


"Oh, you poor child." She shook her head, "I am so sorry."

"What about?" Niliah was confused.

"You like him," She looked worried, "You fell for my idiot brother because he is always there for you."

Niliah flushed even more. She could not deny it. "Is that wrong?"

Mem gave her a pitying look, "Not exactly. It's just… this is on him. He should have explained to you. Not left you to draw your own conclusions."

She did not explain but sat there with her in silence for a while. Eventually Niliah headed to go to bed. From her last sight of the woman, Mem seemed perturbed as she continued sitting beside the river.