
After receiving the tea, Jaekel turned in, falling asleep almost immediately.

"Three thousand years ago, in Nireal at the Tower of the Stars,

Three men sat in a waiting room. A dark blue haired man with deep purple eyes and a smile on his face sat across from the other two. The other two had similar facial features, though looked a little different. The younger looking one had dirty blondish hair and green eyes. His older brother had darker hair and his eyes were a warm brown color.

The youngest of the men was fidgeting a bit, looking nervous. Suddenly he said, 'Aren't you scared, Agreas?'

'Why should I be?" Agreas tilted his head, his smile growing a bit wider. "This is what I was born for – I do not doubt myself in the least. Besides I have two of my dearest and closest friends accompanying me – so greet me when I come back.'

About then the door opened and an elderly man walked through, accompanied behind him by two acolytes of the tower – both of which had strikingly red hair. 'It is prepared. Come –'

"A few years from now, in Carendlus' capitol Arcnea,

Jaekel leaned back, a letter in his hand as he looked out the window of his bedroom which had been utterly taken over by books. It was almost bedtime. He stood up, heading to the door, but it swung open before he could touch it –

"Tomorrow, in a forest of Nix'Ryl,

A young man with dark hair hanging over his eyes was shaking in suppressed anger. He was smattered with blood from head to toe and held a very sharp looking sword that was drenched in it. He was surrounded by the bodies of some ruffians who were already dead.

The boy just on the cusp of manhood dropped the sword and stepped forward to grip the shoulders of a young golden haired girl. 'Lia! What are you doing here!?'

'I followed you!' The girl beamed happily up at him.

The boy blew up, 'It's dangerous out here!'

'Well, you're here.' She stuck her nose up, pouting.

'I'm six years older than you!' He shook her shoulders, 'You're only nine, Lia!'

'You're point, Tiz?'

He let go and whirled away, hands gripping his hair – in a very obvious panic, 'Oh no. Mom's gonna kill me…' After a second of deep breathing, he said, 'Right, we'll just immediately head home – and you, no running off alone alright? Stay in my sight at all times out here – no approaching anyone without my permission.'

'You're turning bossy.'

'Well, if you don't want me bossing you around, then don't put me in the position of being responsible for you!'"

Jaekel came awake – feeling faintly disoriented from having some very disjointed visions – only three of which were at all semi-coherent.

His thoughts focused on the last one – for he personally knew the two who were in it. Prince Quertiz and Princess Eliana were from Lumna. So it was time for Quertiz to venture into Nix'Ryl as the custom of Lumna had the oldest prince do? And his younger sister apparently had followed him – their parents must be quite worried about the nine-year-old girl.

Even King Arrion despite the fact that he was pretty laid back would panic at his younger child suddenly disappearing – no, if anyone dared mess with his children at all in a threatening manner, Arrion would behave much like a grizzly mother.

Much like his father Prince Quertiz was generally laid back and quite mischievous. Though his pranks had lessened in the last year. But his mischievousness would disappear when it came to his younger sister – who he absolutely adored.

As he thought about his friend from a different kingdom, Jaekel sighed. He had known that Quertiz might be starting his trip soon, but had not given it much thought. There was a possibility they might run into each other – maybe. Though Nix'Ryl was quite vast and it seemed that Quertiz needed to head home rather quickly anyway.

Probably good. Rune and Quertiz did not always get along very well – mostly cause Rune did not appreciate how many pranks Quertiz had pulled on Jaekel over the years. Well, it would probably be a good thing for her to learn to get along with him better before too many more years passed – for someday she would want to visit Lumna every so often. Even if he had not had visions about that – his own observations would have clued him in a little – as hard as Quertiz was sometimes to read. But Rune's younger sister was not so hard to read and with how often she flushed at Quertiz's teasing Jaekel was not the only one to have a foreboding that someday that wedding would take place – she was the only daughter that Zylvia had already resigned herself to marrying off.

Still, Rune would get married first. And though it would somehow come as a complete surprise to the adults – something even his visions had never made him understand – they would accept it pretty happily.