
Jaekel was following Rune as she headed back for the library, having gotten tired of exploring. It did not surprise him that she had decided that four hours of exploring around was enough and that she desired books. That was his childhood friend. Nothing was more compelling to her than a library full of books. Not that he would ever want to change that.

It was always soothing to him to sit beside of her and read along with her. Though if he was by himself he hardly ever read, he did enjoy reading with Rune. Everything was more fun with Rune though. She had always been the best thing that Xi'eli had given to him. His best friend who he would do anything for.

He easily sat by her as she found a book that had caught her eye earlier that morning. As her habit, she leaned against his shoulder and opened up the book. Jaekel for a moment was distracted by the light floral scent rising off of her hair, but quickly focused.

The book was interesting. It was a storybook, obviously written for children. Probably folklore, might have a bit of truth to it. Sometimes it was hard to tell – especially with how old the book seemed to be.

Rena suddenly came into the library while they were reading. Jaekel glanced up, "Weren't you helping Talon with something?"

"He already finished. New record." She shrugged. She sat down across from them, staring at them. Her mouth twitched a little. Then she bit her lip, looking down. Something seemed to be bothering her. As if she wanted to say something but didn't know how.

He decided to ignore her and went back to reading with Rune. For a while there was silence, only sound was Rune occasionally turning the page. Then his best friend looked up, and handed him the book. She muttered to excuse her for a moment and left the room. He knew better than to follow her, so sat there to wait patiently on her to come back.

Rena cleared her throat and he remembered that she was in the room. He glanced up at her, wondering if she was going to finally speak her mind. "You love her, don't you?"

No one had ever asked him that question. At least not pointedly. He smiled. "I'm going to marry her."

"You seem very certain about that considering it seems she doesn't consider you as a man." For some reason the unageing sorceress seemed irked.

"…I'm an oracle. Its true that our relationship right now is just friendship, but in my visions, we are husband and wife." It felt a bit weird to be saying that out loud.

"I see." She nodded. "Well, I hope you always treat her well."

"Of course I will." Jaekel muttered, a bit embarrassed. He regarded the red headed woman in front of him. Some of his most befuddling visions were about her and her husband. And… he was starting to have a truly troubling inkling about what he had seen and what had been going on. He didn't know if he should say anything or not though. Instead he muttered, "I would never do anything to grieve my Rune. She's absolutely precious to me."

"I will trust you to keep your word."

"Oh, she's coming back now." Jaekel smiled as Rune came back in. She grinned back, falling to sit against him again.

"You weren't talking about me, were you?" His best friend narrowed her lovely grey eyes.

"Yes, all of it good." He tapped her nose. She wrinkled it in response, but didn't say anything.

Instead she leaned against him, and took the book back in her hands, going back to reading. A few more minutes passed, and Rena stood up and left the room after casting one more lingering look at them.

Jaekel and Rune read for some while after that, before Talon came in – he seemed to be in a very good mood. He cleared his throat, "Hey, Runie."

A slight look of annoyance crossed Rune's face at the way of calling her, but she sighed and looked up, "Yes?"

"I acquired a necklace for you to house your… the not-wraith in." He held out a necklace that had a strange stone hanging from it. "You'll find it easier to communicate with him in the day using this."

There was something he wasn't saying. That wasn't the only thing that stone would do. Though Jaekel could sense the divine power in the stone he could not tell what it would do. As Rune took it though a look of relief crossed Talon's face. He pulled his hand back and turned away. His smile grew bigger. "Well I'll be going! Take care. Oh, and Runie? I think Rena had something to talk about with you."

He left, quickly, almost hurriedly. And Jaekel was not sure but he might actually be fleeing. But from what would he be fleeing?