
Rune had never even really thought about it before. But now that she had it was glaringly obvious. Why had she never realized before?


How long had it been? When had she started feeling this way? It was too deep, too much a part of her for it to be anything new.

 It did make sense though. He was a really good man. They had always been together. Was it abnormal if he had a claim on her heart?

 She sighed to herself. And why had she noticed just now? In a single moment, it had occurred to her. Just all of a sudden!

 …Did this way of falling in love run in the family!? A conversation she had had not all that long ago with her father came to mind. Out of curiosity she had asked him when he had fallen in love with her mother. He had chuckled and told her that he didn't know. Just one day he had realized it.

 She covered her face with her hands. And groaned. But even if it had crept up on her unawares, she wanted to nurture this love. If Jaekel and her would be forever together that would be great!

 Would they? Was she the woman he saw in his future? Did… he love her as well?

 She took a deep breath and lowered her hands. Well, she was sure she would get her answers soon enough. And even if she was rejected, she knew they would at least be able to remain friends.

 Still, she rather liked the idea of being his wife.

 She shook herself from her thoughts and went deeper into the house, looking for Zilanius. The fact that the wraith was her maternal grandfather would take some getting used to. It was a bit easier to not be upset at him though – at least he had died trying to protect her mother. She would try not to be upset at her grandmother as well. But… it was harder.

 The wraith was in the kitchen. Perched on the table. "Hello, my child."

 "Hello Grandfather."

 "Rena told you." He nodded. "I would have if she hadn't. But I wanted to give her the opportunity too."

 "You died protecting mother, right?" She sat down beside him, staring at the wood of the table.

 "Mhm. I'll tell you the story if you wish. Just… know no one was fully to blame for what happened that night. It was just… bad timing."

 "Yes. I think I'd like to know."

 "…Have you ever heard of an uncurable curse?"

 "The one that slowly kills a person? If they use magic, they'll turn into a wraith?"

 "There are actually two incurable curses in the world." He said. "I as you probably guessed suffered from the one you spoke of. I was always very careful not to use magic, but in the end had to. To save my little girl. I loved her you know. I'm…happy she is doing well. And has so many precious children of her own now. My curse was utterly dark. The other curse I mentioned is a safeguard. Your friend Talon is under it."


 "Yes. The curse was set on his bloodline – they are driven to fulfill their role. And if they don't they will slowly be turned to madness. However they currently are unable to fulfill their given role properly. And so, for generations they all have been driven mad. And with how much power they hold, it can be… quite destructive."

 "…You were caught in the blast."

 "I was, yes. His father had been hanging by a thread, struggling only for his children, for decades prior. I understand that it got a whole lot worse when his wife died. Their spouses apparently do a lot for pushing the madness back – something about being a stand in for their role. Unfortunately for Talon, the burden hit him far earlier than for most of his family. He's still a child after all."

 "He looks full grown."

 "He is on the cusp of adulthood, I think. But, I'm not an expert on the aging of his race. I do know though that till they hit full maturity… well, they are really just children at heart. Innocent and carefree. At least they should be. But for Talon… he would have had his father's powers and curse came over him all at once. Even before he would have been a little affected by it, but when his father died…"

 "I see."

 "Anyway. I was caught in the blast of a unsworn protector's madness. There was not much I could do…. Except completely sacrifice what remained of my life to protect her." He shuddered then as if remembering something. "I… think I will leave it at there. I don't want to get into what I was witness to."


 "Because it was terrible. It was so very terrible just what has to be done in that situation." Profound soundness entered his voice. "Don't ask Talon. It would just bring him pain – I desperately hope that it will never happen again. How much more must he?"

 She nodded. For once, her curiosity shriveled. There were some things it might be better not to know – especially if it would cause someone pain to even discuss it.