
Had her heart always beat this hard just from seeing his face? Amrunela nibbled on her food, trying not to get overly flustered just by her best friend's presence. This was troublesome…


 She did not really mind having feelings for him. No, she could embrace that. But they had been friends for years. It made no sense to get shy around him. She had never been before. So why was it so much harder just to look in his face now?

 She glanced sideways at him and realized he was looking at her. She managed a bright smile, though her heart skipped a beat. She glanced back at her plate and ate mechanically.

 "What are you thinking about?" Jaek leaned towards her, eyes full of concern. "Do you… want to talk about it?"

 She bit her fork and eyed him. Then sighed. "Not at the moment, no. I just… " She trailed off, not entirely sure how to say what she was feeling right then. At least not without being obvious. She wanted to tell him her feelings, but…uncertainty stayed her tongue.

 He would already know as soon as she told him just how her feelings would end. If she was not the girl in his future, if she was immediately rejected, it would hurt. A lot. And the fact he would be apologetic on it did not help any.

 Still, she wanted to know. Just… not today. There was already too much that had happened today. She wanted to remain just like this for a bit longer. Not confuse their relationship…

 "Well, okay." He looked away. "I can't pretend to know what you're going through, but I'll listen. If you want to talk about it."

 He thought that she was still upset about knowing more of her family history. Well, it was still a bit much. Mostly though, she was wondering if she should even tell her mother about this… would it be better for her mother to know or not to know? Maybe she should ask her dad first.

 "It's just a lot." She finally said. She nudged his arm. "I very much appreciate you worrying about me though." She smiled at him, feeling a sweet feeling taking over her chest.

 "Of course I worry." He tapped her nose, a dimpled grin on his face. "You're my best friend after all."

 She turned back to her meal, and finished it before rising. "I'm going to bed."

 "I'll walk you." Jaekel stood up fast and pushed his chair in.

 They were quiet as they walked. She could feel his concerned stare and felt flustered from it. Seriously…. she'd known him for years…why was she flustering now?

 She coughed. Then as they arrived at her door, turned to him. "Hey, Jaek. I've been wondering. Won't you tell me what your future bride is like?"

 He flushed and looked away. "That's a bit out of the blue, Rune."

 "Won't you tell me? Anything?"

 "….She's extremely curious. And kind. Sweet. At least usually – always to me. But when she gets mad… she's honestly pretty scary." He chuckled.

 "You already love her?"

 "…I loved her before I understood what that meant." He smiled, a slightly strained look to it. "I've always been good at keeping it in, but every day it feels like its getting harder."

 Feeling a bit apprehensive, she asked. "Do you see her much yet?"

 He did not answer for a bit, just gazing at her silently. She wondered what he was thinking. Then he nodded. "Every day."

 "How long have you known her? Like in person, rather than through visions?"

 "You seem awfully interested all of a sudden." He laughed. But didn't answer the question. Instead he turned away. "See you in the morning, Rune."

 "Alright. Sleep well. No nightmares okay?"

 "I'll try."

 She headed into her room, a feeling of hope blossoming in her. She was very much aware that those descriptions he had given could fit her. And she understood also why he wouldn't answer her straight if that was the case.

 He believed she should realize first. And he did not realize she had. She giggled to herself. She fell onto her bed, with a wide grin on her face. She rather hoped she was right on her assumptions.

 Sitting up she pulled out her journal.

"Lyrain, 14th of the month of Caimures, Evening

What a day it has been! Rena is my grandmother – my mother's mother. I mean she does look an awful lot like her. Weirdly enough, she looks younger though. That's not all though… today I grew aware that I seem to be in love with Jaek. No, I do love him. Wow, it's nice to actually write that down. I wonder when I should tell him? I think he might feel the same. Would now even be a good time? Should I wait till we go home? Honestly, I'm not sure. I doubt I'll have the patience to wait. I'm dying to know how he'll respond."