
"Ferian, 15th of the month of Caimures, Evening

I talked with Jaek. Right before heading into my tent. I'm so flustered now. I mean I suspected yes, but to hear it confirmed… I am really happy though. I can't believe I never noticed his feelings before though. He was really good at not speaking of it. I could never have kept it a secret. I think though I should try to get some sleep now… though I don't know if I can fall asleep with my heart racing like this…"

 Rune closed her journal and fell back onto her bedroll. She closed her eyes, squeezing her journal against her chest. Writing down her thoughts usually helped her relax before bed, but tonight it did nothing. She wondered if Jaek was sleeping well or not.

 She blew a breath out and sat up. Oh, she hoped he was able to sleep. He did not get nearly enough sleep as is. Though he had gotten decent sleep the last few days.

 She padded over to the door of her tent and then hesitated. No, she could not face him right now. And while just a few days ago she would have thought nothing of entering his tent to check on him, now she was too self-conscious to even dare.

 How had she ever managed to do some of the things that had used to feel so natural? How had he managed to deal with it? She buried her head in her hands. How many times had she jumped on him before? Of course she had done it in all innocence, but he had been in love with her at the time!

 She found herself just thinking through the past few years and all the times she had acted in a very unladylike manner towards her best friend. It had never bothered her before. And he had never seemed all that bothered… but right now she felt mortified.

 … She should try to act a little more reserved.

 But that might just make things awkward between them. What would be a good balance? Because she knew she would be unable to be quite so free towards him now. He'd be able to understand it she was sure.

 And someday, she would feel comfortable being that touchy with him again. Just probably not till they were actually married. She lay back down, a sweet feeling inside.

 …It was probably good that she had expended very little of her mana today. She was afterall not likely to get enough sleep tonight to do much replenishing of her mana.

 She really did not actually get any sleep that night. But by morning light she did feel calmer. And able to face her best friend again.

 She still wrote her morning excerpt in her journal.

 "Elirius, 16th of Caimures, Morning

I did not get any sleep last night. My head feels a little funny, but at least I am calmer now. The thought of walking though is not a pleasurable one. I'll survive of course. I hope Jaek got better sleep than I did. He needs as much sleep as he can get."

 Jaek seemed in a good mood when she came out. He was already up and he was humming to himself as he did his morning chores, his tent was already down and rolled up in a bag to put on his horse. She turned and began taking down her tent, fighting through the throbbing in her head.

 "You look awful." He commented, as he came over to help her.

 She frowned, teasing him lightly, "That's some comment to make to the woman you are courting."

 He snorted. "You're my best friend first. And you look like you barely slept."

 "I didn't." She reached over to cup his cheek. "I'm glad it looks like you got some sleep."

 He closed his eyes, leaning his head more fully against her hand. A soft sigh escaped him. Tired as she was, Amrunela felt an itchy feeling in her heart. "I had one of my nicer visions last night."

 "Oh? What was it about?"

 "…Mm…. Our wedding day."

 She knew her cheeks grew hot. "Ah. How many times have you seen this vision."

 "I lost count. I have it periodically."

 "Is this why you are in such a good mood?"

 "Partway." He pulled away, though he flashed her his grin. "That and the fact that I'm really happy about our discussion last night."

 She ran her hands through her hair, feeling a bit giddy. Which combined with being that tired, made her feel a bit sick to her stomach. She shook her head. "I think I'm too tired at the moment."

 "You should ride your horse today." He frowned. Then leaned over to kiss her cheek. "For now, though, come eat something. I think Niliah is about done with making breakfast."