Chapter 2 - The Truth (Rev.)

As Huang Jin descended the stairs, he saw the dining room occupied by four individuals seated at the table. Various emotions surged within him as memories resurfaced. He recalled the times when they all used to gather for breakfast, enjoying each other's company. Little did he know back then that this seemingly united family had a tragic history from the very beginning.

Huang Jin's eyebrows arched up in a sword-like manner as a sudden realization struck him. He remembered the events from the day before his rebirth when he had witnessed his father's new wife, along with Ren, engaging in an affair.

Despite the betrayal, his father chose to remain passive and never confronted them. Huang Jin couldn't help but feel a mix of pity and frustration towards his father's softness and enduring love. Now that he had returned, Huang Jin made a solemn promise to himself to set things right and rectify the situation.

As Huang Jin observed Huang Ren sitting beside his mother, he noticed the warning in his brother's eyes. It was evident that Huang Ren was trying to signal him not to reveal the affair to their father.

However, Huang Jin was resolute in his decision and spoke firmly to himself, "Don't worry, I won't let you harm father anymore. No matter what happens, this time, I'll make sure to prevent it." With determination in his heart, Huang Jin was prepared to take action to protect his father from any further harm and deceit.

"Please, have a seat, Jin, and enjoy your meal," his father's voice resonated, breaking Huang Jin's train of thought. "After your classes, make sure to come to the company. I have something important to discuss with you regarding the project." Huang Jin nodded in acknowledgement, understanding that his father wanted to have a conversation about business matters later.

As Huang Jin listened to his father's words, he couldn't help but recall the events from his previous life. On this very day, he had told his father "no" to the business venture, and it had resulted in numerous negative consequences for the family.

This time around, he was determined to change the course of events and prevent Huang Ai from benefiting from the business deal. He understood the importance of his decision and was resolute in making the right choices to protect his father's well-being.

Huang Bin, eager and excited, spoke up to Huang Jin,

"Big brother Jin, let's go to school together! I want to show you my school, classroom, and introduce you to my friends. They're really looking forward to meeting you. So, let's go together, okay?"

Huang Bin tilted her head towards Huang Jin, her eyes glinting with a mischievous spark, suggesting that there was a plan brewing in her mind. Huang Bin tilted her head towards Huang Jin, her eyes glinting with a mischievous spark, suggesting that there was a plan brewing in her mind.

Huang Jin felt a strong sense of disgust as he observed the way Huang Bin was eyeing him. If he hadn't gone through the process of rebirth, he might have been deceived and even felt excited about getting close to her. However, with the knowledge he gained from his past life, he was fully aware of their true nature. The intense feelings of anger and resentment surged within him, causing him to have violent thoughts. Nevertheless, Huang Jin recognized the need to control his emotions and handle the situation with caution.

As Huang Jin reminisced about the time they reunited after his father's passing, his eyes welled up with tears. The overwhelming longing to see his father once more filled his heart. His hands clenched into fists as he watched his father from the corner of his eyes, the desire to reach out and embrace him, to feel his warmth and vitality again, becoming almost unbearable. But Huang Jin resisted the urge to stand up and hug his father, trying to hold back his emotions and maintain composure in the present moment.

Huang Bin harbored desires to engage in sexual activity with Huang Jin, six months after the apocalyptic event. With their family settling in well within the secure housing of the B military base, Huang Jin was peacefully asleep in his room. Unbeknownst to him, Huang Bin surreptitiously entered his room with the intention of forcing herself upon him. However, Huang Jin was jolted awake in shock and anger, demanding that she leave immediately. Thankfully, his light sleeping habits enabled him to stop Huang Bin's attempts to carry out her intentions. The mere thought of what could have transpired left him feeling nauseated and disturbed.

"Yes, Jin, why don't you go with them? It's a great chance to bond and get to know each other better. After all, we're a family now,"

Huang Ai said, attempting to mask her true emotions. Unaware that Huang Jin could see through her act, her eyes revealed a warning filled with hatred and scorn before quickly masking it with a soft and seductive smile, trying to entice him with flattering glances.

Huang Jin felt an intense urge to splash the soup onto Huang Ai's face, expressing his anger and frustration.

"No, I can't stay any longer. I'm finished, father. See you later," Huang Jin replied, trying to leave the room.

But Huang Ai raised her voice, admonishing him, "Don't be rude, Jin. We're not finished talking. Sit down."

He couldn't help but burst into laughter, mocking the woman before him with such intensity that his teeth started to ache.

"What did you just say? Are you reprimanding me? When I say no, it means no. What right do you have to dictate my actions? You're nothing more than a woman my father chose to marry. Don't get too comfortable," he retorted, his words filled with disdain and defiance.

"You!" Huang Ai's face flushed with anger, shifting rapidly from red to blue to white. Her hand trembled with a desire to harm Huang Jin, fueled by the way he had spoken to her.

"Jin! Don't speak that way. She is your mother now," Father Huang scolded, reprimanding Jin for his disrespectful behavior.

"I'm sorry, Dad, but I won't apologize to her. However, we need to talk, Dad, inside the study, please," Huang Jin asserted, not waiting for his father's response as he headed directly to the study. He selected the room due to its soundproofing, wanting to have a private conversation to warn his father about his wife's actions. He was unsure if his father would believe him, as the revelation might be too abrupt for him to process. Father Huang couldn't respond in time and quickly followed Huang Jin to the study.

"Lock the door," Huang Jin instructed firmly as he took a seat on the sofa in the study. He wanted to ensure that their conversation remained private and secure.

"Dad, you saw them last night, didn't you?" Huang Jin stated, noticing his father's complexion turning pale. Without hesitation, he continued to express his concerns and warnings to his father.

Huang Jin spoke with a mix of concern and honesty, giving his father time to process the revelations. "I know you might have tried to justify what you saw last night, but please don't ignore the truth. It's hard to accept, but Ren and your wife were having sex. I know you're not blind to just ignore what happened. It's been five months already, and it occurred while you were abroad."

He allowed his father a moment to absorb the weight of his confessions, understanding the difficulty of the situation.

Huang Jin opened up further, revealing the emotions that had been brewing inside him. "At first, it was just speculation. I wanted to believe that it wasn't true because I wanted you to be happy again after losing Mom to cancer five years ago. I was genuinely glad to see you smiling more after meeting her. But then, I caught her with Ren, and it shattered me. I felt crushed and disappointed in her infidelity to you and your marriage.

I hesitated to tell you about my suspicions because I didn't want to hurt you if I was wrong. So, I decided to hire someone to investigate and gather evidence. Every time I saw Brother Ren, he was with your wife. I know I shouldn't have doubted them initially, but their interactions seemed ambiguous, and it raised more doubts. Two months ago, I coincidentally saw them at the XxHotel, and they were passionately kissing like lovers. That's when I realized they were deceiving you and causing you pain."

Huang Jin's tone carried a mix of sorrow and concern as he shared the painful truth with his father.

Huang Jin, with tears in his eyes, tried his best to compose himself, but his father could see the deep disappointment etched on his face. Witnessing his son's pain was like needles stabbing his heart, causing immense anguish. Father Huang clenched his teeth, bracing himself for what Huang Jin would reveal next, as they continued their conversation.

"And also... When I went to the company a month ago and saw her talking to your Vice President..." Huang Jin paused, taking out his phone from his pocket and navigating to the menu. He selected a recorded file and played it, allowing the conversation to unfold before them.

Huang Jin continued, "That time, if I hadn't recorded it, maybe you wouldn't have believed me, considering the Vice President's position and his friendship with you. But now, I'm glad I did it."

Father Huang listened to the recording, his face turning from pale to blue to red, revealing a mix of rage and pain. Huang Jin empathized with his father's emotions but pressed on, "And then I saw them last night. I know you were there and you saw them, right? I don't need to tell you or remind you what to do."

"Dad, I know it hurts, but you need to be strong and take action before it's too late, or they might take advantage of the company. I don't want to see you fail, considering how much effort you put into building the company with Mom" Huang Jin urged, emphasizing the importance of taking action for the sake of the family and the company.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Huang Jin stood up and tightly embraced his father. Tears streamed down his face as he spoke softly, "I love you, Dad. I can't bear to see you suffer at the hands of people who lie and betray you. So, promise me that you'll take action. Promise me that you won't let them get away with it."

His whispered words carried a plea, a desperate request for his father's assurance and commitment to confront the situation. Huang Jin's love and concern for his father were evident in his trembling voice and the embrace that held them together.

Huang Jin's heart swelled with relief as he felt his father hugging him back, and he listened to his father's reassurance. "Yes. Don't worry, I will start by confronting her about her affairs and then deal with your stepbrother. I used to believe that even though Ai and Ren weren't related by blood, she cared for him like a son. But now I see that I was wrong. She had the audacity to lie to me and betray our trust."

Father Huang's voice carried a sense of determination and anger, promising to take decisive action to address the situation. "Let's see if she still has the time to have an affair with others. I won't let her be comfortable," he declared firmly.

In that moment, father and son stood united, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead and protect their family and the company from the deception and betrayal they had endured.

"Then it's decided. I love you, Dad," Huang Jin affirmed with a mixture of determination and affection. He understood the importance of their plan and the need for secrecy. "Before I step out of this room, I need you to pretend to be mad at me, so they won't suspect that you know everything already. It's crucial for our strategy." With those words, he gently kissed his father's cheek and released him from their embrace.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Jin composed himself, adjusting his emotions to feign anger. He knew that maintaining a convincing façade was essential to carry out their plan successfully. With a resolute expression, he walked towards the door.

With a touch of anger, Huang Jin closed the door to the study, allowing the noise to reverberate through the halls. He could feel a knife-like smile forming on his lips as he suppressed the urge to laugh. The stepmother, oblivious to the true emotions brewing within him, interpreted his reaction as anger and took it as an opportunity to go directly to the study to comfort her husband.

"I'm going, Father," he said, his voice laced with a hint of resentment and determination. Little did she know that behind his seemingly angered demeanor lay a sense of satisfaction and anticipation for her impending suffering. Huang Jin was determined to set things right and protect his father from further pain caused by her deceit.

As he left the house, his steps were filled with a quiet resolve, ready to face the challenges that awaited him and ensure that justice prevailed.