Chapter 5 - Crying His Heart Out (Rev.)

" I need to pass this to coach first." Huang Jin then went to open the door when..

"Allow me to accompany you. I too am here to visit my friend, who happened to the coach here "

"Big brother, let's go together. I'm eager to meet the coach and see what he looks like!"

As they entered the gym, they noticed various pieces of equipment scattered about haphazardly. The sound of students' chatter filled the air as they gradually started to leave the gym.

Huang Jin and Xun Wen found a cozy spot in the corner of the gym and sat down. From there, they had a clear view of Xun Wei engaged in conversation with their coach.

"Xiaowen, I have a craving for pudding. Can we get some?"

"Sure, let's go together with Big brother once he's done talking to the coach."

"Is it okay? Is he not busy?"

"No, when he comes home, he usually stays for about a month or two before returning. So it's alright. It's a rare occasion for Big brother to be here, so whenever it happens, we always ensure he gets enough rest and enjoys his holiday to the fullest."

"Hmm... Alright." Huang Jin's face lit up with a joyful smile.

"What's the matter? Did you have trouble sleeping?" Xun Wen asked, noticing Huang Jin rubbing his eyes until they turned red.

"Stop doing that, you're going to strain your eyes if you keep rubbing them. Remember what I told you? If you're feeling sleepy, just lie down and close your eyes. Come here, I'll offer my shoulders for you to lean on," Xiaowen said, patting his shoulders reassuringly.

"No, perhaps it's because I had a nightmare. It felt like I was sleeping for ten years, and when I woke up, I still felt exhausted, as if I hadn't slept at all."

"What was the nightmare about? Were you frightened? You can share it with me. It might make you feel better," Xiaowen expressed concern, comforting Huang Jin and gently rubbing his back.

He could see Ahjin visibly concerned, uncertain if he would share the details of the nightmare. Nevertheless, he sensed that Ahjin was prepared to open up about it.

"At first, I couldn't make sense of it. The day seemed to pass like any other day. However, when I went to sleep, I woke up again, or so I thought. Can you imagine that? Now my hands are trembling, and I can't seem to control it. I feel like crying." Huang Jin revealed his shaking hands to Xun Wen, seeking comfort and understanding.

"And then, on that day, it just happened. I heard people crying, running in fear, desperately trying to save their lives," Huang Jin recounted, his voice filled with the memory of the chaotic scene.

Someone or something was chasing them. It was a human, yet not quite human. Its skin was decaying, with some parts missing and others oozing blood and pus from the wounds. The way it walked resembled the zombies from the movies we always used to watch, remember?" Huang Jin described, recalling the terrifying image vividly.

" They pursued their victims relentlessly, biting and devouring them. Those who were consumed then transformed into zombies themselves. It was an utterly grotesque sight, and I couldn't believe it was actually happening.

Xiaowen, I wanted to scream, but every time I tried, I couldn't. It was as if something was suffocating me from within, like a nightmare gripping my throat. The horror of it all was overwhelming, and I felt terrified and utterly alone.

Then, in an instant, I found myself with my Dad, and he was dying in my arms. I felt his life slipping away, and he pleaded with me not to let him become a zombie. He handed me his knife and asked me to stab him in the head, right here," Huang Jin pointed to his head with his trembling hands, recalling the heartbreaking moment vividly.

"It was like a never-ending nightmare, and I couldn't wake up from it. I desperately wanted to find you. That year, we had plans to meet and dine outside. I tried calling you and went to our meeting spot, but when I arrived, you were nowhere to be found," Huang Jin said with a mix of sadness and confusion, recounting the events that unfolded during the horrifying dream.

Do you know what happened next? After that, we reunited a year later. I was overcome with joy, and tears streamed down my face. You were there with my stepmom and her son and daughter. However, you were also bitten, covered in blood. You tried to communicate something to me, but I couldn't understand your words.

I tried my best, you know, but you were slipping away. Seeing you in that state, covered in blood, made me feel like I was dying too, Xiaowen. I was overwhelmed with fear and terror. It felt like everyone was abandoning me, leaving me behind. I felt like I was being punished, always arriving late whenever it mattered the most." Huang Jin struggled to wipe away the tears streaming down his face, but they continued to flow relentlessly. His eyes were red and filled with moisture, while his nose trembled and his lips quivered as he took deep, heavy breaths.

"I made an effort to carry on with my life, even though I knew it would be challenging without you and my dad. I felt grateful for having my stepmom, half-brother, and half-sister by my side.

And then I encountered him, Wei Ning. He saved my life not just once, but multiple times. He trained me to survive during the apocalypse, teaching me how to navigate through danger and escape harm's way. I was incredibly grateful to have met him.

Nine years went by, and one day, he informed me that they were heading out to search for supplies. I insisted on going with him, but he reassured me and said not to worry. So, I waited for him that day.

My step-brother approached with a deranged smile, and a deep sense of unease washed over me. I sensed that something was terribly wrong. It was then that he injected my arms with a powerful drug, causing me to black out.

Huang Jin couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He buried his face in his hands, desperately trying to wipe away the stream of emotions pouring out.

Then, he felt someone's comforting embrace from behind. Warm hands wrapped around his waist, providing a strong and grounding support that bridged his past and present, offering securty in his moment of vulnerability.

Huang Jin turned his face and saw Xun Wei's expression, filled with concern and anxiety. Without hesitation, he nestled his face against Xun Wei's neck, seeking to absorb the warmth and security enveloping him. With closed eyes, he savored the reassuring presence, feeling a sense of calm in the midst of turmoil.

"That's when I regained consciousness and found myself restrained in a chair. It was at that moment that the truth hit me. Wei Ning had been brutally murdered by my step-brother. He confessed to leaving my dad to be devoured and destroyed by me," Huang Jin recounted, his voice filled with anguish and realization.

Xiaowen, he was there, watching me helplessly as I unknowingly killed my father with my own hands. He revealed that it was he who lured you and left you defenseless against the zombies, all while observing my tears, laughing cruelly inside.

He took pleasure in seeing me happy and carefree with Wei Ning, only to make me suffer later when I discovered Huang Ren's sinister plan to murder you, Xun Wei.

Wei Ning never suspected them because they were my family. We spent eight years together, and during that time, I was genuinely happy," Huang Jin said, a soft smile gracing his face as he reminisced. But in a matter of seconds, that smile transformed into an expression of anguish, hatred, and sorrow, a side of Huang Jin that Xun Wen had never witnessed before.

"And then he proceeded to describe in gruesome detail what he had done to Wei Ning, fueling my hatred for him. I was consumed by the desire to kill him, to make him suffer. But I was utterly powerless, weakened by whatever he had injected into me. I felt a profound sense of hopelessness.

He subjected me to relentless torture until I became numb to the core. Hatred and bitterness consumed me until I eventually lost consciousness. When I woke up this morning, I was overcome with exhaustion and couldn't help but cry. I felt a deep despair mixed with a glimmer of hope that I had indeed woken up.

"And Xiaowen," Huang Jin continued, his voice trembling, "it all felt so painfully real."